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Is it just a Hobby?


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I suppose the only way i can describe astronomy (well....at least observing the night skies), is as "a passion". Its just something i have done in one way or another for the last 30 yrs.

The first thing i do when i step outside the house is look up to the sky (even during the day time).

Maybe i was a bird in a previous life. I must have been a really bad birdie to end up as ME in this life,LOL.

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I just got my first telescope, and don't know what it is other than something to help me have something to focus on other than a problem I am going through, I love looking at stuff even though I don't exactly know what I'm looking at for the most part yet. My cats love hanging out by me outside. Not too sure what they think about the big black thing though.

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An initiatory cult? :icon_cool:

Aside: The woman next door sneers slightly as SHE terms it: "another of my WEIRD little hobbies". The (seriously!) weird guy opposite me expressed more overt disapproval - Apparently he won't be able to "keep an eye on me", if I build an observatory. And, believe me, he DOES watch me... As in 24/7. :o

Some folk have expressed normal interest - Enthusiasm even! :)

P.S. "Exhibition" aside, I just hope/wish it can/could be a quiet,

intensely personal (relatively private) activity. :headbang:

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'Hobby' definitely sounds too mild-

I've spent a thousand hours planning, getting parts & building 4 telesopes,

I've walked through pouring rain to buy fishing line to make a grating for testing mirrors and strained my eyes carefully winding that line so that each loop doesnt crossover the next,

I've strained my back & sweated buckets refiguring a large mirror,

I've stood for hours through freezing winter nights just to see faint blobs & specks of light,

I've waited around a hundred times for clouds to disperse packed all the equipment away only for the skies to clear as I was going to bed,

No - not a hobby - but a

P :angryfire:A :angryfire:S :angryfire:S:angryfire: I:angryfire: O :angryfire:N

( although some my say I'm just a twit for doing all that ! )

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An initiatory cult? :icon_cool:

Aside: The woman next door sneers slightly as SHE terms it: "another of my WEIRD little hobbies". The (seriously!) weird guy opposite me expressed more overt disapproval - Apparently he won't be able to "keep an eye on me", if I build an observatory. And, believe me, he DOES watch me... As in 24/7. :o

Some folk have expressed normal interest - Enthusiasm even! :)

P.S. "Exhibition" aside, I just hope/wish it can/could be a quiet,

intensely personal (relatively private) activity. :headbang:

It is strange how some have odd neighbours, all my neighbours make sure they turn off any security light sensors if they know I am going to be out observing, one even pops round for a look through the eyepiece.

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Astronomy is a Science and we are all Scientists, studying it at various levels of knowledge and passion, we all have a fascination ( in some cases obsession) in trying to comprehend that which is abroad of the world we live in.

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To me it's a few things:

A passion: when I'm learning the theories that explain the universe. I hope one day I have the time (and the brains) to actually study and understand the most complex formulas in general relativity.

An anti-stress elixir: when I'm outside alone beneath the stars looking at far away worlds.

A source of frustration: When the damn sky refuses to clear and all I can do is browse online stores and increase my wish list...

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