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Hi all,

I've been browsing this site for a little while and felt it was due time I broke my posting duck.

I had a great interest in anything space related as a young child, although, my interest never progressed beyond the books I would read on library day at school. Unfortunately, as I grew older, I had my head turned by life's 'uglier' motivations and neglected to remember that we actually reside in a galaxy, where anything other than the Moon, and a few faint points of light, lay beyond the manmade orange veil that saturates the night sky..

Thankfully, that all changed a couple of weeks ago!

I was staying at a friends house and he kindly allowed me to have a peek through his rather modest 3" spotting scope. By sheer chance, whilst panning the night sky, I noticed two points of light; one was orange and the other blue. I was astounded by their colour contrast against the dark sky and spent well over an hour marvelling at this majestic sight.. I later discovered that I had been looking at the double star, Albireo.

This short time spent at the eyepiece has well and truly rekindled my childlike wonder! My pocket can't really support another expensive hobby at the moment and with that in mind, I recently ordered a pair of budget bino's (Celestron Skymaster 15x70) to dip my toe in the waters. I feel the bug is really gonna bite! :icon_salut:



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Hi Ian and welcome to the forum,

Your choice of binos is a good one as I was looking through the very same pair a few nights ago and although budget in price, they are more than budget in performance! You also say the bug is 'going' to bite - I'm afraid it already has! You don't have to buy new as there are many decent secondhand scopes out there and which aslo come up for sale on here so get posting the 50 messages this forum requires for you to access the 'For Sale' section and your bug will be satisfied!!!

Clear skies for those binos


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Hi Ian, welcome to the forum. Nothing wrong with using binoculars, I spent several evenings last winter observing with my Nikon 12x50 set, and still use them to view the night sky when I dont' feel like setting up the dob.

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Hi Ian. Welcome to the group.

It's a great place to start with binos and when all I can get is a small break in the clouds I sit in the garden looking up saying "wow". I think that's what it is for all of us - and that's what makes the bug bite hard! :icon_salut:

All the best.


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Hey Ian and welcome!

I leave my bins in the car so I have them at hand if the opportunity arrises. They're only 8x56's so they don't give you much reach, but they're easy to hold and the low magnification means you don't notice the wobble of your arms.

I regularly pull them out if I'm out with friends in a suitable spot (eg after a few beers in a country pub), and the views of things like the nebulosity in Orion, the pleiades, and even the moons of Jupiter always impress people. They even stop thinking you're a bit of an anorak when they see these easy targets!

I should think those 15x70's will be great, but you might want to get a clamp or something to fix them to a tripod?

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Wow, thanks for the warm welcome all, much appreciated. :headbang:

Your choice of binos is a good one as I was looking through the very same pair a few nights ago and although budget in price, they are more than budget in performance! You also say the bug is 'going' to bite - I'm afraid it already has! You don't have to buy new as there are many decent secondhand scopes out there and which aslo come up for sale on here so get posting the 50 messages this forum requires for you to access the 'For Sale' section and your bug will be satisfied!!!

Clear skies for those binos


Thanks for the heads-up. It may take me a little while to hit the 50 post mark; I don't tend to say much, unless I have something worth saying. I'm not all that opinionated either. :o

It's a great place to start with binos and when all I can get is a small break in the clouds I sit in the garden looking up saying "wow". I think that's what it is for all of us - and that's what makes the bug bite hard! :icon_cool:

All the best.


Cheers, I plan to purchase a scope once I've familiarised myself with the whereabouts of the "wows" that the heavens have to offer.

I leave my bins in the car so I have them at hand if the opportunity arrises. They're only 8x56's so they don't give you much reach, but they're easy to hold and the low magnification means you don't notice the wobble of your arms.

I regularly pull them out if I'm out with friends in a suitable spot (eg after a few beers in a country pub), and the views of things like the nebulosity in Orion, the pleiades, and even the moons of Jupiter always impress people. They even stop thinking you're a bit of an anorak when they see these easy targets!

I should think those 15x70's will be great, but you might want to get a clamp or something to fix them to a tripod?

I already have a Velbon Sherpa tripod and the 15x70's come with an adapter included. I won't know if the adapter is substantial enough to give me a steady view until the bino's arrive.
I should add that I don't drink and drive :)
Mum's the word :D
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Hi Ian,

A very warm welcome to SGL, if you have not downloaded Stellarium Already, I should do so, or the very good program for bins, TUBA, as mentioned in our bino`s section, either will help you find your way about the night sky to enable you to discover all sorts of wonders which can be seen through binoculars, enjoy the forum.


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Hi Ian, welcome to SGL.

You will love the new bin's, particularly good on clusters and sweeping the Milky way and not forgetting M31.

My son lives at Ripon, and we stayed at Woodhouse farm camp site last year, the sky was amazing, I'll be taking the scope next time we go, although that will be next year now.

Clear skies.

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