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Hi from grey and cloudy Portsmouth


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Hi there,

My name's Martyn and I live with my 9 year old daughter in Horndean, Hampshire. It's grey and cloudy here at the moment, but hopefully not for long :)

My main interest is in taking photographs and currently I am also interested in Solar and Planetary images.

Although I have interesting (to me) collection of cameras and maual lenses, I don't have a telescope as yet. I am building an improved barn door mount at the moment with the hope of getting a good shot of Jupiter with it.

I have been invited to the S.C.A.G social group here, but have no real world astronomy contacts or memberships. I do spend some time in my back garden of a night-time and I am gradually learning my way around the eastern sky. That's about the only half I can see though, due to buildings, street lights etc.

If I post here, please look kindly on my ignorance and naiveity.

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Hello Martyn and I wish you a warm welcome to SGL. If you're interested in astronomy, regardless of experience or equipment, this is the place to be.

It would be great to see some of your images when you're ready.

As far as clouds - well I think we're all in the same boat! :)


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Hi Martyn and welcome to the group :)

You'll make plenty of contacts here and please ask any questions you like no matter how daft you think they are. We were all new once and you'll allways get an informed and polite answer here.

All the best.

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Hi Martyn, its grey in South Wales at present as well, but it was clear for a few days when the perseid meteors were around last week. I seem to remember that one of Horndean's claim to fame was a rather excellent bitter beer - Gales Horndean special - one of my favourites! So you do have recreational alternatives on cloudy nights!!


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Many thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I appreciate it.

I will indeed try to get to a SCAG meeting. I will have to bring my daughter, but I am sure she will enjoy it!

Mark asked for some samples of my photos to date. Promise not to laugh! When I see some of the stuff on here, I am ashamed.

AstroStuff - a set on Flickr

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Martyn, you have some pretty cool pictures there - I love the daytime moon shot. :)

And I had no idea it was possible to capture the ISS as you did. Fantastic!


Thanks Mark :) One of the first things I tend to take with any new camera is the moon. Still need a lot of improvement in my technique though.

The ISS is something I am still trying to nail properly. A lot of people have got excellent shots of it, but a solar transit takes a lot of planning, preparation and split second timing to go with a monumental slice of luck. The available window is about 3/4 second :hello2:

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