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Woman and telescopes


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'Yes' is easier to achieve if you sit back and let her spend an absurd amount on shoes and clothes first.

Hear Hear!!

So I hear you asking how much my DOB and 'accessories' actually cost me? Well then....£DOB + £HANDBAG + £SHOES + £EARRINGS....... ;)

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Got to laugh at this one.

My 14" dob was bought without the wife knowing and placed in the corner (as much as you can fit a 14" dob in a corner) of my home office and left there. It was 2 weeks before she noticed it!

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When Astronut was lusting after a GoTo-Dob-Dalek-thingy at the Salisbury SP, I seem to remember saying "I think you should get one.":)

....And I would never dream of asking permission to buy boots, handbags or shoes. What a comic notion! :mad:;)

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Why do people feel the need to ask permission? If you have earned the money, have the desire, then do it.

I concur wholeheartedly - but in my case, I needed a little "financial injection" to complete the telescope-related transaction, so I had to seek permisson. ;)

In my household, as long as the bills are paid, the food's on the table, the balance is in the black, then I can spend my hard earned pennies (literal pennies) on whatever I want.

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Why do people feel the need to ask permission? If you have earned the money, have the desire, then do it.

Because having a family comes with responsibilities. One needs to double-check in case perhaps an essential repair, baby clothes requirement, or maybe a savings plan for something - may have been overlooked. As a family, it's important to be seen to be "singing from the same hymn sheet" (so to speak) to avoid resentment and other problems building up for the future.

In my case, it's pretty easy, since I have an agreed astro budget each month which gets transferred to a seperate PayPal account, and any proceeds from selling off old eyepieces or other gear (perhaps non-astro bits) will go into that same "AstroPal" account ;)

Larger purchases - if important and infrequent - are not unreasonably withheld...

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^^^Whilst I can certainly agree with that, it isn't quite the same as 'having to ask permission'.

I've never felt the need to hide a purchase from Mrs. Yeti, although I know of several instances where Mrs. Yeti has responded with the old "Oh, that old thing! I've had it ages!", when asked "Is that new?".

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it isn't quite the same as 'having to ask permission'.


I think people don't perhaps mean it as literally as it sounds :mad:

(then again, maybe they do! - it can be easier to have one person in charge of finances, and I've now delegated that entirely to Ms. Bear.)

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