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Most people who post in the for sale here tend to post in uk astro buy and sell as well so its definately worth starting there. Just be willing to wait for a good bargain to come along...

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There have been a few coming on eBay lately as well, as sometimes there are no Televue products for ages, then all of a sudden lots come along.

But be careful not to pay too much 2nd hand, shop around first and find the cheapest price online with a retailer then you know how much to part with 2nd hand.


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The Meade is always a little bit off, but I do need to re-do my PEC and Smart Mount settings.

I think after having it a couple of years I am still learning how best to use it.

The more equipment you buy and add on to it, the harder it is to maintain.

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I've bought a few little bits on the for sale section here on SGL. Even though they are second hand (maybe even 3rd hand), the items have all arrived in mint condition and look brand new.

I doubt if i will ever need to buy something new again. Second hand has everything you want/need and at a nice price too.

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With ep's I allways look for 2/3rds of the lowest new price I can find, or less. But if the other 1/3rd is only £10 or £20 I'd rather buy it brand new with all the guarantees.

But it also depends on condition, age, and rarity as mentioned above.

With equipment my criteria are similar but also depends on "additional bits thrown in". E.g. I once bought a 1yr old telescope in perfect nick for the full retail price but it had tube rings, rdf, tele extender, and bhatinov mask thrown in - all in great nick and representing a saving of around £120. :mad:

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I agree with most of the opinions expressed in previous posts. The for sale section of SGL is a good place to buy from. The sellers generally give accurate descriptions of the items for sale.

The percentage of the new price that items should sell for does indeed vary quite a bit depending on exactly what is being sold (rarity or desirability etc.). It's really just common sense. Items that have more to go wrong with them such as GOTO scopes take the biggest hit. However items such as premium eyepieces (usually very well looked after) normally sell for a big percentage of their new price.


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Generally my rule is to hesitate at more than 60% of the new price but certain very rare high end items might just tempt me higher, espeically when availability is an issue - as it often is.


I tend to work to this sort of rule too BUT if I can get a truly mint eg Televue for even £50 less than cost then it's worth it to me. They are all second hand once you buy them anyway :mad:

the best thing about buying used is that you can sell them on at not much or no loss if you don't get on with them.

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