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Hello from Hull


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Hello everyone, just found your forum recently so thought it would be interesting to pick your brains! I,m not an absolute fanatic but enjoy the occasional night out in the back garden on my reclining chair with my binoculars. I also have a Tal 1 4.5" reflector which doesn,t get out as much as it should, but I,m considering some BIG! binos, but I,ll be asking your advice about that in the proper place. I,m also into photography, cycling walking and wine.(so many hobbies, so little energy!) Oh, and I also support Hull City, but don,t hold that against me:)

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Welcome to the forum.

I've just come back from SGL5, there was a chap there who was also from Hull. I couldn't understand a word he said but I did see him pouring wine onto his cereal every morning :D so it looks like you may have a few things in common.

Hope you enjoy the forum.


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Welcome fella ...yup I'm also from Hull...have a love for mountain biking and wine...and biking while drinking wine....or laying on my bike...whilst drinking wine...or just the wine!

Drop me a pm!

I love you to Shaula....and you and your Hubby owe me about £478.96p put it on the business account :D miss you already!

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