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Time to say a proper hello...

I have lurked on this site and posted 1 or 2 times before but have only just taken delivery of a scope. A well loved but beautifully maintained celestron nexstar 6se

Thank you very much to Alan otherwise known as ajfdab for selling me his first scope and going above and beyond the call of duty and driving a 120 mile round trip to meet up so that I can see the scope in working order.

I am now stuck with the curse of first light, clouds!!! Since arriving home I have looked through the instructions, played with the eyepieces, looked around in the garden and waited until nightfall. A beautiful clear sunny day turns into a cloudy evening, [removed word]!!!

Heres hoping that the forecast for the rest of the week is a little more condusive to seeing, if so I will return with my first impressions of this most wonderful of hobbies.

In the absence of anything to say about my first night viewing, i would just like to say a proper hello to everyone on here and comment as to how friendly this forum seems to be. No pretence, just utter joy in the wonder of the universe and a love of the subject that you simply do not see in this cynical world of ours. Everyone I have come into contact with so far had surprised me with their utter love of their subject and a willingness to share that knowlege with anyone and everyone who wants to learn. What better environment can anyone ask for to learn a new hobbie/subject.

To everyone who contributes to this site, thank you and very well done and very much keep up the great work.

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Welcome to SGL - the 6se is a nice scope and will give you many happy hours under the stars.

In your flush of excitement, no doubt wanting to see many different objects, I would urge you not to miss the opportunity to view Mercury, low in the west after sunset during the next week or so. There won't be another such good evening appearance until May 2014.

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Welcome to SGL - the 6se is a nice scope and will give you many happy hours under the stars.

In your flush of excitement, no doubt wanting to see many different objects, I would urge you not to miss the opportunity to view Mercury, low in the west after sunset during the next week or so. There won't be another such good evening appearance until May 2014.

great call i have been urging all the non astronomers at work to have a look before its too late! :)

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