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Kaptain Klevtsov

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Very nice CC 8)

Tell me, can you see anything of the veils visually or

do you trust to goto or dead reckoning

Have to trust the GOTO, there is absolutely nothing there visually.

James, I got a similar result to yours when I tried. I was hoping to keep the three or four stars that aren't greeny blue a different colour from the rest.

Captain Chaos

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Hey CC,

You've grabbed a lot of data there for "flying by the seat of your pants". I've had several nights that I had to trust the "GoTo" and start imaging...hope something showed up on the stacked image later... :laugh:

I appreciate your hard work....and sharing with the group.


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How only for the first image Arthur? Do you mean the first sub or the first target?

Captain Chaos

First time you hit the target and get an image. After that you can use the first image to hit the bullsye. Only way I can get the Rosette actually - the three pairs of stars through the middle.


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