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Hello from Birmingham


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Greetings. I have been staring at the night sky for years with wonder but little knowledge. I tried to get involved last year with the Birmingham Astronomical Society but they appeared a little advanced for me and had no real desire for a complete astronomy novice with no equipment asking dumb questions. A friend pointed me in this direction and I am hoping my enthusiasm and desire to learn will carry me through and someone will be kind enough to let me see the wonders of the universe. I bought my daughter a telescope for Xmas and she is developing a similar thirst for knowledge. Twas only a plastic £50 thing but she often texts and tells me what she has seen. Should have bought two!

Happy night skies!

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Hi and welcome to the forum SkyDaz.

I also reside in Birmingham and a member of the BAS and I am sorry to hear of your brief and out of your depth welcome at BAS. Dont get me wrong, I am also pretty much a novice, but understand how you were made to feel. There are a lot of older members there and not so many young members and is easy to feel belittled, but once you get past that barrier, things get easier and more relaxed. They do adopt a rather laid-back approach to their meetings. However, it is a concern and I will bring this to there attention this evening and hopefully, maybe one day you might reconsider another visit. I am always happy to spend some time with a new aquaintance to the fascinating world of astronomy.

Yours Sincerely



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Malcolm, thanks for that. I did attend their 'Moon Watch' at the Lickey Hills in October with my daughter but it was pretty much a washout due to rain and clouds which was a great shame. They are probably a lovely bunch but I just got the impression they would not be keen on some astronomy moron asking basic questions. The email I got from them pretty much alluded to this. Cheers all for the warm welcome you cannot believe the excitement I am gonna get when someone says something like 'do you want to see Saturn?'. Wow!

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Its a pleasure.

There is another event taking place organised by BAS at the Lickey's this month on Fri 26th. Check their website for further details. Also, at the Black country Museum, there is some sort of event being held on Sat 20th. Talks and displays I think.



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Hi SkyDaz,

Welcome to SGL, if you want to know what the planets are doing each night you could take a look at Planets To See In The Sky Tonight | astronomycentral.co.uk I update it every day.

Also the monthly night sky, The Night Sky This Month | astronomycentral.co.uk and other stuff.

If you're a complete novice, the magnitude numbers you see for astronomy objects mean brightness, the larger the minus number the brighter the object.

You will get lots of advice here.

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Hi again.

The worst thing about astronomy is not being able to do it. And there has been a lot of that in this country lately. However, with great forums like this and like minded people, we get through and occasionally when the skies clear we then understand what its all about.

Clear Skies


PS From what part of Bham are you from?

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