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Hi from Caerphilly, Wales, UK


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I finally decided to buy a telescope for the new year 2010 and have a look for myself. I have left it a bit late at 62 but never mind.

I looked around and finally bought a Sky-Watcher Explorer-130P SynScan AZ GOTO.

Unfortunately the weather has not been very kind since it arrived but I have managed to get outside and use it on 3 occasions and I am pleased to report that I found it easy to set up and use and a great introduction to astronomy. I think I would have struggled to find my way around the sky by following written instructions.

My very first night the first object I set it to was the Orion Nebula and was suitably amazed! The view was better than a photo in my "Beginners guide". Andromeda galaxy, Pleides, Mars, etc. followed.

Last night SATURN!!! Unbelievable - I had to get my wife out in the cold in her nighty to have a look and she was suitably impressed too.

I am really pleased with the telescope and can recommend it for a completely new beginner.

best wishes all


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Welcome to SGL Terry :p from me (a bit further up the Rhymney Valley than you!)

Those first nights with a telescope will stay with you forever - and I think we all try and drag our families and friends out to see Saturn :headbang:


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Hi Terry,

Sounds like you've got off too a fantastic start, I always remember the first time I saw Saturn through a telescope, fantastic!

I hope you enjoy your time here, if you need to know anything, don't be afraid to ask.


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Many thanks all.

Just looking for a good book to help me plan before going outside and looking on this forum The Backyard Astronomer's Guide appears to be one of those favoured. I have just ordered it via Amazon for £13.50 (inc p&p) from Canada.

I will keep you posted.

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Hi Terry

A warm welcome to SGL.

You seem to have been bitten now so there's no turning back! It's interesting what you say about the excitement of seeing Saturn. When I'm asked what my most memorable night has been it was my first sighting of Saturn ... a few years ago now! And I don't think I'm alone in this


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Hi Terry, Welcome to SGL.

It's never too late!

Saturn is what did it for me to, it's always stunning, Jupiter is good as well with the four moons visible, this will be back in the sky somewhere around October. The more stuff you see, the more you want to see, and there's plenty up there.

Happy hunting.

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Many thanks all.

Just looking for a good book to help me plan before going outside and looking on this forum The Backyard Astronomer's Guide appears to be one of those favoured. I have just ordered it via Amazon for £13.50 (inc p&p) from Canada.

I will keep you posted.

Hi Terry,

A warm welcome to SGL, hope you enjoy the forum, another book you may wish to consider is Turn Left at Orion, a book dedicated to small scope users and highly recommended on the forum.


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Welcome to SGL,

The weather may be inclement in Wales, I remember FAR less light pollution in Wales than over here when I last visited. Only had my 10x50 on me but it was fun.

Saturn is indeed great, but when Jupiter returns you can not only see its moons, but also the weather patterns change. King of planets in my opinion.

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Many thanks to you all for the welcome. The forecast for tomorrow night is clear skies so with a bit of luck I will be having another go.

My garden faces South East so I have a pretty good view from East to South West over farmland. Mars, Saturn, Orion Nebula are obvious targets but any suggestions of interesting objects in that general direction, and upwards? I have restricted view to the West (next doors garage) and our house is behind me, I could see Cassiopeia over my roof last Sunday but M31 was just below the roof line.

Many thanks again for all your messages.

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