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cleaning mirrors - type of water

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I have decided to clean my secondary and I will follow the cleaning advice for the main mirror contained in the You Tube video.

However, I notice that Asda sell ionised water and I cannot remember the major difference, if any, to distilled water.

Do you think ionised water will be ok or should I buy some distilled water?


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Do you think ionised water will be ok or should I buy some distilled water?

"Ionised water" - a plasma consisting of 67% hydrogen, 33% oxygen - I've never seen on sale - there is "demineralized water" which is not suitable as it will contain salts which may react with the coatings. (Demin water is OK for topping up batteries and/or filling steam irons.) You need distilled water. And it must be bought and kept in glass bottles, distilled water will pick up plasticisers on contact with plastic bottles which will cause smearing if used to clean mirrors.

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Checked into this a lot, prior to cleaning my primary (which I have still not done due to moving home). Best bet would be distilled water, but thats not to easy or cheap to get in the UK. So next best is final good rinse with R.O. water available at any good Aqua store, for pennys/litre.

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RO Water is Reverse Osmosis - dunno exactly what that involbves but I think it's basically forcing the water through a very fine membrane so that only H2O can pass. You then run it over carbon to remove and disolved chmicals (or is that before the membrane bit?) Anyway you end up with incredibly pure water, so pur that in order for fish to live in it you need to add back some trace elements. I believe a number of window cleaning companies use it because it dries without leaving a smear or mark.

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RO Water is Reverse Osmosis - dunno exactly what that involbves but I think it's basically forcing the water through a very fine membrane so that only H2O can pass. You then run it over carbon to remove and disolved chmicals (or is that before the membrane bit?) Anyway you end up with incredibly pure water, so pur that in order for fish to live in it you need to add back some trace elements. I believe a number of window cleaning companies use it because it dries without leaving a smear or mark.

Oh of course hadn't thought of that - ta

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RO Water is Reverse Osmosis - dunno exactly what that involbves but I think it's basically forcing the water through a very fine membrane so that only H2O can pass. You then run it over carbon to remove and disolved chmicals (or is that before the membrane bit?) Anyway you end up with incredibly pure water, so pur that in order for fish to live in it you need to add back some trace elements. I believe a number of window cleaning companies use it because it dries without leaving a smear or mark.

That's pretty much it Craig. Water is passed through the membrane at pressure then normally goes through activated carbon and deioniser resin filters to finish the job. In theory you should end up with a reading of 0 on a TDS meter (TDS meaning total dissolved solids) which is pretty much pure water but one or two bits get through some of the time. You can buy it from pretty much any aquarium shop for 10 - 15p a litre and it should work a treat for mirrors. FWIW, you can also buy RO units for about £100 fitted and have the best drinking water money can buy ;).


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Tony, I was always led to believe RO water was unfit for drinking by us meare humans. It was never explained why though. I used to get through gallons of the stuff when I kept marine fish.


That's how I know about it Gary. I've been keeping fish for years but only recently got into marines hence the RO interest. Here's a company that does a RO unit for drinking water: Drinking Water Systems - Drinking Water Reverse Osmosis System .


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