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Good evening.. well not quite


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Hello, as it is the evening and I am online must indicate that the skies are not clear tonight. In fact here in Birmingham it has been snowing so has ruined all my chances of getting out there. It is a great shame, as for xmas my partner brought me my first "proper" telescope (not toys r us version I had when I was a kid). So far I have managed to use it a couple of times and I have seen some amazing things that has left me completley amazed and wanting more. My first nights observation I saw faint bands of jupiter along with 3 of its moons. In the same region of the sky I am sure I could see neptune. As usual the moon has provided spectacular viewing even though it was blindingly bright and left me dazed for a short while after...(note to self moon filter needed). Anyway you can tell im excited Im talking waaaayyy too much. I would just like to say a big hello to all fellow astronomers it is great to know there are so many out there sharing the same interests as I usually feel a bit mad walking home staring at the skies or getting out my car and gazing for a few moments whilst the neighbours wonder what the hell im doing. Im hoping that I will have many more days viewing ahead if the damn cloud would clear!:hello2:

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I got a celestron nexstar 114, so far I am really enjoying it, although I must admitt I already want a larger aperture scope :hello2:. I was not too bothered about the whole GOTO malarkey and havent set that up yet. I have been using the motorised stand which has proved useful for tracking etc. I am leaving the touring features for a later date as for now I am happy trying to find my own way around. So far so good :)

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Nice scope - very portable which is worth bearing in mind when going for larger aperture - to help find your way around get stellarium and/or skyviewcafe - both are terrific planetaria software and totally free. Once you get the hang of alignment the goto facility will allow you to get round a lot more stuff in one observing session.

Enjoy :hello2:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi and welcome!

That's a great scope you got there, even if you get more aperture later on it will still have it's place as a good grab and go scope.

This is probably the most informative and friendly astronomy forum out there. I've tried a few...

BTW, nice profile pic! :)

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First a warm welcome to you! Have fun with the scope.

A warm welcome to SGL on this freezing cold day!

Unfortunately unexpected cloudy weather is something we all have to get used to in the UK :D ... but the clear nights can more than make up for it


I thought cloudy weather was always expected in the UK :)



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Hi spacetrace and welcome,

its just so good to find things at random,

keep a note book handy and write down what you see and compare it to stellarium if you want to identify it.

enjoy the views.

regards ron.s.g

ps nice pic i take it this was a normal day then?

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