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Is anyone else thinking about packing it all in.....?


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Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but I'm hoping that in a week or so there might be an hour of moonfree darkness at 1!

I think I'm going to try a bit of camping at a darksky site. Besides, I still have to find M6 and M7 which will be impossible in a few weeks.

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Not really an option for me - using a 4.5" f4 reflector there's only so much you can see. Having said which, the recent lack of darkness has made me consider taking up observing and sketching the moon.

The only thing stopping me is that then I'll have no excuse for not going out every night it's clear - my wife will think I've cracked completely :)

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There's so many objects still to be seen in the Summer months ie Pluto is rather high at the moment(For pluto),M57,M13,NGC7000,M27 etc etc be a shame to miss out on these objects and many others Imho by packing the scope away for the summer months.

James :)

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You could go solar.

Even the moon is too low these days to get out of the horizon so I think for me a few weeks of solar, then back to DSOs when the dark starts to happen again.

In the meantime, I'm hoping to use the daylight to build some kind of permanent pier setup and sit outside drinking cold beer.

Captain Chaos

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T shirt observing... Love it. I like this time of year, James has made a point of listing the best targets.... dont forget metors as well. The big one is the milky way, get out there, look up & take it in!



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I was out in a pair of shorts and a basketball vest last night, I'm bleddy covered on bites today....

It's not so much the short nights, it's the short nights AND the full Moon. Sort of kills it dead really, esp as my "garden" (I use the term loosely) is South facing. I might just drink heavily throughout the World Cup an get back to it after England lift the trophy.... :) :)

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Gave me the shivers when I read that!!!

Had some images pop into my head that I can't seem to shift..............

On to the topic then - been so busy with work that I haven't had a chance to get the gear out, but I did sit outside a couple of nights ago, about 1am, with a couple of lemonades ( :roll: ) and my 10x50's. L-u-v-e-r-l-y!!

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Can't beat a nice clear summers night... a number of cold beers, scope out. :)

A few beers out with the scope is the only way I can do it otherwise Mrs Ambermile counts the tins :)


PS - I also have a baseball shirt for warm evenings (Bud I think) can't see nowt wrong with it... :roll:

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