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Bad experience (1st)

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Following Mark's confessional, I think I will share my experience of purchasing a new mirror from a dealer on eBay (an f/5 parabolic)

OK, I did not go into this totally blind, I checked the guys feedback and as far as possible, the mirror itself. Quoted as a 1/6th wave, but with a different set of measurements, I asked a knowledgeable friend to check that the blurb was accurate. He confirmed as just so.

So, US$213 later, I waited for the mirror.

4 weeks came and went, and I chased the guy. He sent another (supposedly) and this arrived within two weeks. First thing that struck me was there was no test report. I assumed I would get one to validate the 1/6th wave. Off to Orion Optics it goes then, after shelling out the £42 Customs and Excise duty, and another £45 to Orion, my report comes back. Is it good news? Is it heck!!!

I had worse than a 1/2 wave mirror that wasn't even parabolic. I should've been thankful it was round!!

So, back to the dealer. I sent him a copy of the test report, and he responded that as far as he was concerned, it looked OK. It took me a lot of emails to get him to admit he was looking at a different test report!!!!

He offered to replace the mirror, but I said no, a refund would be just fine!!!

Today, some 4 months after the original transaction, I got my refund!!!!

I have to be fair, the dealer was pretty straight and kept his word by refunding the original postage as well, but none the less, I am peeved at an expensive mistake.

I shall pay heed from now on - "If it's too good to be true, it usually is!!!!"

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I'm sorry to hear that you have a lot of problems with mirror. It is good that you receive your refund after all trouble. I buy only three things over e-bay but none of them cost as much as your mirror and good for me all things works well. Thank you for sharing your opinion and we all must be carefull when we buy things we can't see it with our own eyes before purchase.

Are you consider to make your own mirror? :D


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I'm still waiting after 2 weeks for a T mount SLR lens to arrive that I bought on e-bay. I might get round to asking the seller when he is going to send it, or at least refund the $0.99 that I paid him for the thing including carriage. There are some bad guys out there, watch out.

Captain Chaos

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I bought my 10" F4.5 Parabolic of a guy stateside it was exactly as stated on the auction and its shipping condition was excellent in fact its never been treated as good this end since (but to no detriement to it) I must add :D

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I could have Orion optics re-figure it, but the cost just mounts up.

This was my first bad ebay experience (out of 44) so not too bad.

Now I'm really thinking about saving up for one of the Revelation's!! In fact, if I sold the frac.......

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Well done Daz for sharing that with us, I salute you. :salute:

A good warning to others, there are the odd bargin out there but you have to look very hard for them and be prepaired it all goes breasts up


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How are you finding the frac BTW?

Well, I've only really used it twice so it's not really had a fair run. I regreased the focuser recently, so am waiting for a clear night to give it a damn good thrashing!!

If I keep it, I'd definitly get a different tripod - can't be doing with this crawling round on hands and knees lark!!

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but did you see this on e-bay


a rating of just (2) cash only, not even a postal order and just paid £850 offered with no reserve! (i e-mailed he said " e-bay will charge me to have a reserve") well not the £400 + you just lost! i would be very worred taking nearly £400 in cash with me! Orion

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I find (as do many) eBay is a game. I have sold a few things at over-the-top prices just because of good advertising.

If it looks cheap, people will bid cheap. If you can't be bothered to at least spell the copy, add a picture, etc. then people can't be bothered to bid. Simple!

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I find (as do many) eBay is a game. I have sold a few things at over-the-top prices just because of good advertising.

If it looks cheap, people will bid cheap. If you can't be bothered to at least spell the copy, add a picture, etc. then people can't be bothered to bid. Simple!

Well put, with over 600 buys and sales to my name I can only eko daz


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