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veil nebula from Salisbury SP


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I couldn't wait to get some more detail before uploading them on my computer, so this is only 11 mins worth without darks or flats (will do these tonight with more data hopefully) just wanted to see what it looked like:D

Also a HUGE thankyou to Mark aka Glider pilot, for showing me where this nebula was (among others!) and letting me see it for the first time through his scope!


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Great :)

You've captured the lovely wispy quality of this fascinating nebula.

Great to meet you....there was mention of another informal gathering of those of us who live in the area so hopefully we'll meet up again soon.



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Cheers! my alignment worked pretty well last night :rolleyes:

Was fantastic meeting you guys aswell!! me and Charlii had a great time (one of the best weekends of my life) and I cant wait to do it again!

Hehe my photon cannon worked a treat!:) apart from wasting all my camera's battery power! just as it was clearing too :)

Charlii cant stop talking about seeing Jupiter & the prominences on the sun, or little trees as she calls them :evil6:, It was a fantastic sight. Thanks again Nick!!

That would be great Rob! just tell me where & when, I'll be there!

The M31 will be up soon but as for now I am setting up again to get more of the Veil!


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Dave, can't wait to see that M31 image in all its glory...amazing unguided work, and thank Charlii for wonderful comapany and coversation. Less scary than having Sir PM sat next to me during the lunar record that's for sure.

Am working on the prom shots (will take a few days, as I took about 47,000 frames this morning of the surface and every prom on the limb) and 9000 of jupiter (though not sure if they will pan out as the seeing was awful)

Little trees...the best bit of that was not only the grown ups, but the kids...I love that side of Astronomy, public outreach with people and kids is just so rewarding

Thanks again mate.. and I told my other half about the great stuff you did too :-)

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Mate, that is awesome! Can't wait to see the finished image.

I will try and get that M42 up later on but I realised last night that I brought the work laptop, which doesn't have DSS on it (and is a mac!). Anyway, glad to see it came out so well!

Between the photon cannon, the copious amounts of beer and those home made dew shields(!), I can't remember the last time I had so much fun! Looking forward to the next one now.

See you soon chap, and by the way, I can't wait to see that finished M31 either!


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heh, you nearly laid an egg when this one came through didn't you!

Very nice Dave, and what fun we had with your photon torpedoes! Do you think Richards sight will ever return after the full on face shot :) :)

Glad Charli enjoyed the time too, that's one of the toughest parts for me at SP's keeping the other half entertained!


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Great to meet you at Salisbury, looks like the polar alignment went ok without me? Unguided? You did very well there, very well indeed. Good capture and stick at it, it only gets better.

Photon torpedoes? I must have missed something - wish I'd popped over to the other field a bit more often now!

All the best.


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Hi Dave

They're all looking really good, though I agree about M31. I think the second one looks better. The dew shield is immense! Haven't had time to use it again though (I just about managed to get packed again and to the airport in time on Sunday, despite a certain rail company's best efforts to delay me!).

TJ...the eyesight is on the mend thanks :) after the old blue on blue "friendly fire" incident!! Next time I'll make sure I've got some of these on :), especially if we now have a rapid fire capability!!


p.s. Dave, how's the bank balance looking? Did you give in to the dark side and get Charlii "her" scope?? I'm sorry to report that I couldn't resist (it arrived this morning!) so Stef, if you're reading this...my bank account now hates you :grin:.

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Opps sorry about that rich.. didn't meen to blind ya :grin: Same here with the due shield hehe.. got chaz to stich some velcro on it and works a treat!! my bank balance is still ok (ish) as i havn't surcomed to the dark-side just yet hehe... will be gettin it soon though! :( but i dont think i will get a look in! chaz has started to take a real interest in solar and astrophotography... so when i now say.."sweetie can i spend lots of money on a hyperion 8mm and Megrez 72?" she will say "oh go on then"!! i think i have just cracked every astronomers dream in just one star party! just think what i could achieve in 2! :)

I am just about to order the solar film as i think Nick has got me hooked :D Just need to mutilate a PST now :)

The 1st m31 i think is a flop but the second was only 20 mins worth :o quite chuffed actually hehe

Nick i doubt that i will be able to make SGL5 as it is so far away but i will try my best to go! we have bought all the kit now, tent and what-not maybe SGL5 will give us the opportunity to use it all again :)


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If you need a hand with the Solar stuff, glad to help...it's very addictive. Herefordshire is only a few hours from me, so I guess about the same for you..

Wish Mrs H would show an interest...unless it's a quilt in space..:-)

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i think i have just cracked every astronomers dream in just one star party!

I think Carl feels the same way - I was so not interested before the star party and now we are just off to order my 12" dob.....how excited (not to mention lucky) am I?

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Wow... I show my missus the entire universe and the Sun, and I get "that's nice... but haven't you shown me that before"... (barring two nights, one with Saturn, where it was textbook seeing...and one with Omega Cen, in Australia, with a C14, when she went "wow...now I get it"

ho hum..


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