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Hi from the Isle of Wight


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Hello there. I am a deep sky observer from the Isle of Wight. We're pretty lucky in that our skies are still reasonably dark, my back yard is around mag 6 to 6.5 on a great night - when clear.

I am purely a visual observer, I've tried CCD imaging (using the equipment at Vectis AS) but found it fiddly and not to my liking at all, so I sketch deep sky objects. I use my 8x42 binoculars a lot (currently doing an Astronomical League Deep Sky Binocular program), as well as a 4" Meade SCT and a 12" Dob (which is now out of action due to various problems with the mirror cell and mirror itself).

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Hello there. Your skies are lovely and dark compared to mine. I was in Niton for a holiday last October and I could only gasp at seeing the Milky Way winding through Cygnus. I`m going back to Niton this year and I will be well prepared..... big bins and loads of sketching paper.

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