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Joined in 2017 and stayed as a watcher not a poster. Never did say hello.


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I've posted a few times in the last week or so and found the response to be friendly and very helpful. I found some US fora could be a little heated at times and I even got banned from Astromart by Herb - though that isn't an unusual thing to happen I went on to learn. I did make a t-shirt about it mind you :)
I started with astronomy when I lived in the USA, going through a few different scopes, starting up my own astro-tshirt company and working for APM America for the period of its brief life. I also helped out at NEAF and NEAIC.

Came back to the UK in 2015, bringing my Telekit 10" F/6 dobsonian and all the associated bit and bobs I collected over time.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello from sunny Rossendale, Lancashire.



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I don't recall exactly but I remember that I disagreed with Herb in the Forum and then next thing I know I cannot login. I was then informed I was banned for a period.

I was let back in and then got quite a few PM's from people warning me that Herb ruled with a heavy stick and that many people had been banned over time, some for good reason but many because they disagreed with Herb or his 'entourage'.

Anyway, I figured a t-shirt would be a good seller if it was well known that Herb liked to ban people. Some got the joke, Herb didn't and threatened me with all kinds of things starting with lawyers which I explained was a non-starter. He then started threatening what he was going to do to me if he saw me and then a few days later he banned me again.

He actually ended up wearing one of my BFA shirts at a NEAF event when my pal Alan Traino convinced him to put it on for an interview. I of course didn't charge him for it but I did smile when I handed it to him :)

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Just now, Franklin said:

Sunny Rossendale! 

You are very close to the Astronomy Centre, Todmorden, worth a visit.

Yes, I've been in touch with a couple of the chaps from there but haven't yet paid them a visit. I do plan to.
Thank you.

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Hello and welcome to the forum (at last !) 🙂

I recall that quite a lot of folks parted ways with Astromart when they introduced their membership charging (myself included). It was implemented rather clumsily as I recall.


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45 minutes ago, John said:

Hello and welcome to the forum (at last !) 🙂

I recall that quite a lot of folks parted ways with Astromart when they introduced their membership charging (myself included). It was implemented rather clumsily as I recall.


That did cause a lot of upset when it could have been handled better. Herb was very much my way or the highway.  It was and remains a fantastic resource for mostly Northern American users as far as selling and buying. Like most fora, there is good stuff on there that one can learn from. Cloudynights too and I never got banned from there 😁

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