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best time to set up your scope ?

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Depends what scope and where it's stored.

Ideally it should have time to cool or warm to match the outside temperature.

More important on reflectors than refractors though, and the bigger the mirror the longer it will probably need.

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I've found that you can get decent low to medium magnification views from most scopes quite quickly after setting up, even with my 12 inch dobsonian. For higher magnifications though, allowing the scope to adjust to ambient temperature delivers sharper views, more contrast and less light scatter. 30-45 minutes was usually sufficient with my 12 inch dob and my 130mm triplet refractor. Less time with my smaller aperture refractors. 

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With my 9.25 inch SCT that I store inside where it’s climate controlled I like to set it up at least an 45 minutes to an hour before I observe that’s usually right before sunset so it has enough time to warm up to the ambient temperature in the summer and cool down in the winter but depending on the temperature and conditions outside I have sometimes set it up as much as an hour and a half before observing or set a fan or heater up beside the scope to speed up the process of equilibrium. (Note setting up a fan or heater can blow debris into or onto your scope so it’s better to just wait patiently)

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I like to have everything out and working in the light if I can.  I can take my time to set it up right and I'm fairly good at plonking the mount down enough north that polar alignment is near as dammit for observational.

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Even though my 12" is in a shed I like it to be out at least an hour before starting so any tube currents settle.

The 4" Tak is stored indoors but oddly it seems capable of performing almost straight away. I do normally put it out while it's still light though just for the ease of not tripping over stuff.

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I always try setting up at least an hour or so before I want to start taking pics.

More so that I’m not in a rush and know I’ve done every part of set up. Always a pain having polar aligned and got a target lined up to realise you’ve not balanced your gear or checked the wires won’t snag in anything

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I drive around 45-60min to a bortle 4 location when i go imaging so often there is no choice to let my 8" scope cool down properly. I help the process along by driving there with the heater off so that the scope cools down by the time i arrive and i lose as little time as possible to settling tube currents.

Really makes me question the sanity of the whole hobby when its -10 or colder for the drive there... And often the first 30-60min is troubled with thermals anyway. Running a primary mirror fan helps a lot though.

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2 minutes ago, ONIKKINEN said:

I drive around 45-60min to a bortle 4 location when i go imaging so often there is no choice to let my 8" scope cool down properly. I help the process along by driving there with the heater off so that the scope cools down by the time i arrive and i lose as little time as possible to settling tube currents.

Really makes me question the sanity of the whole hobby when its -10 or colder for the drive there... And often the first 30-60min is troubled with thermals anyway. Running a primary mirror fan helps a lot though.

Seems like a distant memory Oskari.. got sunburnt this week. What a glorious summer this is!

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17 minutes ago, 900SL said:

Seems like a distant memory Oskari.. got sunburnt this week. What a glorious summer this is!

Sure has been a weirdly clear and warm summer so far. Lets hope it continues well into September once the dark skies return. Probably not, but cant complain at the moment.

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4 minutes ago, ONIKKINEN said:

Sure has been a weirdly clear and warm summer so far. Lets hope it continues well into September once the dark skies return. Probably not, but cant complain at the moment.

Are you saying this is not normal Finnish summer weather? Just when i was thinking the winters are worth putting up with for the summers...

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My scopes live ina uninsulated garage.  If i think i am going to set up i open up the door and fire up a fan to move some air around.  I set the scopes up about an hour before it gets dark just because it is easier to set up in the light then the dark

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