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Oversampled 50mp Mosaic with 140mm Refractor - April 29, 2023 72% Waxing

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My C11 did not settle in time,  but my 140mm refractor came through!

140mm F7 @ F13.3,   2.4um pixels,  520nm filter, best 600 of 2000 frames,  4 panels


Clear skies to you!





Edited by WestCoastCannuck
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Excellent. That's one of the best Moon images I've seen.  😊 What's the bandwidth of the 520nm filter and the exposure used. I've used a Baader 10nm solar continuum filter at 540nm for the Moon with good results, FLT98 and 2x Powermate, but it doesn't quite match yours. Your extra 40mm aperture would make a significant difference I imagine. 🙂


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1 hour ago, symmetal said:

Excellent. That's one of the best Moon images I've seen.  😊 What's the bandwidth of the 520nm filter and the exposure used. I've used a Baader 10nm solar continuum filter at 540nm for the Moon with good results, FLT98 and 2x Powermate, but it doesn't quite match yours. Your extra 40mm aperture would make a significant difference I imagine. 🙂


Thanks much Alan for your kind words. :)

Off the top of my head, I don't remember the range of the filter, but its the Baader green ccd filter from the LRGB set.   

A 140 refractor indeed does capture much more than a 100!  ;).  I started with a 100.... Then a 120.  This is my last one.  I simply can't afford significantly bigger or believe me it would probably happen.  Lol


1 hour ago, Sunshine said:

Awesome image!

Thanks Sunshine!!

Edited by WestCoastCannuck
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15 hours ago, Roy Foreman said:

That's a nice sharp image. Excellent work !

Thanks Roy!!  :)

14 hours ago, neil phillips said:

The joys of getting larger scopes to settle. Good to have a quality refractor as a backup. Nice result Mike. Your usual high standards

Yeah...   wish it had vents for fans.  Sadly not.  And thanks Neil - in spite of some tracking issues it came out well.  (just more panels than usual)

14 hours ago, ONIKKINEN said:

Really sharp! Not sure i would call this oversampled no matter what the theory says. My eyes seem to like it very much!

Thanks Onikkenen!  As you say...  its only over sampled by the math - and not all THAT much.   I actually did the last sharpening at F22.4.....  then reduced back to what I hoped was a sweet spot.  :)  

13 hours ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

Very nice and sharp image. Like the very natural look, crisp, but not over-sharpened at all

Thanks Michael!   Like many of us,  I struggle sometimes to find the balance in sharpening.  haha.   We SO want to show all the detail we can....  but there is always a price.  haha

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