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ZWO Seestar 50

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Cloudy last night, but partially so, always a few gaps in the clouds so I thought i’d see what the Seestar would achieve in tough conditions. It was a night I'd never have bothered to set the dob up on, because the view would have been too intermittent.

I was pushing the Seestar to its limits obviously and for that reason only the results may be of interest. A few targets I tried the software claimed to find but didn't get any result - I guess the plate solving either got confused or the target clouded over. The couple of targets I did capture needed to enhance for long periods.

M39 was a fairly easy target. 20 minutes on the target, all the available subs have some cloud but the cluster comes out nicely. It must reject the subs that have no stars because these aren't saved - generally only 2-3 subs a minute are available.

Much less luck with the wizard nebula despite about two hours on the target (of which only about 1\4 resulted in a saved sub) so lots of variation in sky quality and some rotation. However to be honest I'm quite surprised it captured anything, given the conditions.



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6 hours ago, Giles_B said:

Cloudy last night, but partially so, always a few gaps in the clouds so I thought i’d see what the Seestar would achieve in tough conditions. It was a night I'd never have bothered to set the dob up on, because the view would have been too intermittent.

I was pushing the Seestar to its limits obviously and for that reason only the results may be of interest. A few targets I tried the software claimed to find but didn't get any result - I guess the plate solving either got confused or the target clouded over. The couple of targets I did capture needed to enhance for long periods.

M39 was a fairly easy target. 20 minutes on the target, all the available subs have some cloud but the cluster comes out nicely. It must reject the subs that have no stars because these aren't saved - generally only 2-3 subs a minute are available.

Much less luck with the wizard nebula despite about two hours on the target (of which only about 1\4 resulted in a saved sub) so lots of variation in sky quality and some rotation. However to be honest I'm quite surprised it captured anything, given the conditions.



You must have really been chompin' to get out there and use it to have even bothered, in those sky conditions ? Nice try though !

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So, I took delivery of the Dwarf II yesterday. Rubbish conditions, but just about clear enough to get 30 mins on the North American Nebula with it - this was with no filter other than the built in IR cut. And binning at the default 2x2.

First is the dwarf stacking, second is my processing of fits on PC:




So far... the mobile app is a hell of a lot more rubbish. Calibrating is a hit or miss affair - I was looking on internet for reasons why mine was failing for ages till I just kept trying again and again till it worked - but it could be because it was cloudy - but S50 WAY ahead here. And it's looking like in camera stacking is much better on S50 too - though to be fair remember this is with basic UVIR filter - no narrowband like the S50. I'll try a UHC and then an L-extreme next clear night.

Oh also, this was in AZ mode - EQ mode would of course eliminate the rotation and the rotation walking noise on my edit. I also thing in EQ mode, with longer integration turning binning off will be worth a try.

What I will say, is that during the day its really good - easy to flick about using the wide view to find birds, squirrels etc. And the normal landscape rather than weird portrait vertical format of the S50 works far better fort that sort of stuff.

Anyway, just first light shared.


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20 minutes ago, powerlord said:

So, I took delivery of the Dwarf II yesterday. Rubbish conditions, but just about clear enough to get 30 mins on the North American Nebula with it - this was with no filter other than the built in IR cut. And binning at the default 2x2.

First is the dwarf stacking, second is my processing of fits on PC:




So far... the mobile app is a hell of a lot more rubbish. Calibrating is a hit or miss affair - I was looking on internet for reasons why mine was failing for ages till I just kept trying again and again till it worked - but it could be because it was cloudy - but S50 WAY ahead here. And it's looking like in camera stacking is much better on S50 too - though to be fair remember this is with basic UVIR filter - no narrowband like the S50. I'll try a UHC and then an L-extreme next clear night.

Oh also, this was in AZ mode - EQ mode would of course eliminate the rotation and the rotation walking noise on my edit. I also thing in EQ mode, with longer integration turning binning off will be worth a try.

What I will say, is that during the day its really good - easy to flick about using the wide view to find birds, squirrels etc. And the normal landscape rather than weird portrait vertical format of the S50 works far better fort that sort of stuff.

Anyway, just first light shared.


Thanks for sharing. The D2 is certainly an exciting little device and the EQ mode, wider field of view remote and daytime function- not to mention landscape orientation - are tempting additions. What is the range when using it for remote nature watching?

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Had the happy email from FLO today, saying that my Seestar was now finally in stock. Managed to brave the traffic, and go collect it. Then the clouds rolled in….  Managed to get a snap of the moon before it got engulfed. Came out quite nice for a single, rushed  shot.  Then it started raining.  Really excited to have such an easy device to use though. And cannot wait to start getting some use out of it. 


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Just a bit confused about the implementation of Bhatinov masks?  Does the Seestar have a manual focussing option, or does it automatically incorporate the mask in its focussing routine?

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1 hour ago, Ande said:

Just a bit confused about the implementation of Bhatinov masks?  Does the Seestar have a manual focussing option, or does it automatically incorporate the mask in its focussing routine?

The AF works well on its own but the mask lets you confirm accuracy if you wish to. There is a focus control in the last app/firmware tho I've not tried it so far.

Welcome to the club tho, now we just need some clear nights and in my case nights I'm not working 🙄

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1 minute ago, Ande said:

Thanks @DaveL59  I hadn’t realised that there was a manual focus option in the app. That would make the purchase of a mask a lot more viable. Cheers 🙂

Not sure how or how well it works, it was a recent addition I guess to allow the user more control, say a "pro" or "expert" feature. The app has evolved in the short time the device has been out and overall it seems pretty good and the device itself amazing at this price point.

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I think the autofocus was pretty hit or miss a few version ago, but to be honest other than testing my Bahtonov masks work, I've never felt the need to use it - autofocus seems to work spot on every time now. I suppose it's a nice to have verification if you are going to try a long integration to make sure it's as perfect as possible, but it is by no means a necessary thing to use at all.

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Thanks both. The autofocus on mine does seemed to be pretty good to be honest. At least it did on my most brief of sessions last night, when the moon popped out for a few minutes. I’ll leave the Bhatinov alone for a while. 

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I believe ZWO have stated that a mosaic mode will be on the cards at some point. Does anyone have any idea as to a rough timescale? Pleiades is calling, and I can’t bare to crop any of it out, lol. 

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Does the app allow you to choose a named star, if so could you select one such as Electra then capture that then choose Atlas and capture that then stitch your images together, but I don't know if the individual stars are offered on the seestar 

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Well the app allows you to reframe the target, so I could do it with stitching, yes. I’d have to brush up on my total lack of stitching skills however 😅. Worth thinking about as a plan B though, thanks 🙂

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I bought one for grab and go...taking mine to NZ in February. It has its limitations, like any 'scope.

My main drip isd that it is aimed at beginners yet the manual, for what it is, is dire. Very little explanation of what does what. 

I own an ASIair and other ZWO pieces so I am reasonably familiar with their idiosyncracies. It does not do field rotation. 

ZWO do seem to be listening on theor website and consider suggestions...

A couple of images from mine.


Cocoon FS aff2.jpg

2023-10-12-0653 BST.jpg

M27 FS aff.jpg

M42 aff.jpg

Rosette app_fs_aff.jpg

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29 minutes ago, baggywrinkle said:


M42 aff.jpg


I really like this one. M42 never gets old but I'm definitely a fan of this "old school" style. 

It's almost as though they had M42 in mind in the design stages of the Seestar :)


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Hi Guys , Forgive me for not reading back through the entire thread but has anyone printed a lens cover for the SeeStars yet ?

Call it OCD but i hate the idea of that lens being uncovered when its not in use ( yep i can use the solar filter , but i think thats not the best way )

KR Stu 

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I know it’s a bit nit-picky, but I find the fitting of the solar filter a bit of a pain. Not the actual inserting, but the orientation of the ‘scope. You almost invariably choose “Solar” from the parked position. It then asks you to ensure the filter is fitted before commencement. Again, almost invariably, it won’t be, and the scope is in the parked position so you can’t fit it. You then have to faff about getting it to target something that isn’t the sun, or move the scope manually, so you can get the filter on. Then it can go sun hunting. I don’t know why it just doesn’t raise itself up to 60 degrees or so when you choose solar, and then prompt you to attach the filter.  Like I said, a bit nit-picky, and not the end of the world. 

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