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The Medusa Nebula


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Firstt discovered in 1955 this faint, small nebula in Gemini was orignially thought to be a SN remnant but is now believed to be a planetary nebula.  I had never heard of it until recently

The data was captured over 4 nights in mixed conditions this month.

Scope: SW MN190

Camera: ZWO294 binned x2

Filters: Chroma 5nm OIII and Ha

OIII - 103x5mins

Ha - 54x5mins

Captured using Maxim DL, Combined in PI.  Processed in a mix of PI and PS utilising the "Xterminator" suite

I've posted a cropped version of the image



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Thank you Fegato.

As awways, I'm never quite happy.  I haven't made any adjustments to saturation but the colour does look a bit heavy so I've done a little desat and prefer the appearance, for now anyway!


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