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Doublet for visual use??

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I'm looking for help choosing a refractor purely for visual use.

It will be mounted on a Rowan AZ75 with a Nexus 11 using Sky Safari to find targets.

I want something that will be a good all rounder for planets, lunar and brighter deep sky objects. 

I live in a bortle 4 area with easy access to bortle 3 within a 15 minute drive. 

I was looking at something like Starfield 102mm f/7 ED Doublet Refractor , Sky-Watcher Evostar 100ED DS-Pro or StellaMira 110mm ED f/6 Refractor Telescope but open to any other suggestions and pros and cons of the above. Or are there other options instead of a refractor I should consider? 

My current acquired equipment list consists of a Skywatcher Heritage 130P , Altair Starwave 70ED + Baader Morpeus 17.5, 9 and 6.5mm . 

Thanks in advance for any help. 

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As a very much 4" scope user and fan, from that list I would go with the Starfield myself as f7 to f8 is a great point for visual allrounder.
The AZ75 will easily handle any of the list you have, so the mount will be super, I should know after all.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Super keen on the Starfield but still not ordered it yet(weeks of cloudy sky's might have something to do with that!) other question was do I buy the Starfield now or should I save up a bit more and buy a forever scope like a Takahashi FC-100 DC ?? or would I not see much difference visually for double the price of the Starfield? 


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1 hour ago, Coxy80 said:

Super keen on the Starfield but still not ordered it yet(weeks of cloudy sky's might have something to do with that!) other question was do I buy the Starfield now or should I save up a bit more and buy a forever scope like a Takahashi FC-100 DC ?? or would I not see much difference visually for double the price of the Starfield? 


Everything I’ve heard about the Starfield has been positive so I’m sure you wouldn’t be disappointed. As said, f7 is a great focal ratio in a 4”, a great all rounder.

I would probably go with that, and use future savings to get some additional eyepieces such as a nice low power, widefield 30ish mm 82 degree and a decent OIII filter, plus perhaps a higher power for planetary and lunar, say in the 5, 4 or 3mm range, perhaps a Nag zoom?

Anyway, I say go for it! 👍👍

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Yeah that had been my thoughts, I have a few Baader Morpheus eyepieces 17.6, 9 and 6.5 the Naggler zoom would be nice to add to that plus a nice diagonal and still be cheaper than the Takahashi! 

What would you recommend as a finder for the Starfiled? 


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26 minutes ago, Coxy80 said:

Yeah that had been my thoughts, I have a few Baader Morpheus eyepieces 17.6, 9 and 6.5 the Naggler zoom would be nice to add to that plus a nice diagonal and still be cheaper than the Takahashi! 

What would you recommend as a finder for the Starfiled? 


+1 for the Starfield. I’d also consider a binoviewer - I have the William Optics BV on my 102ED and it’s transformed my viewing of planetary and lunar. As for finders, most of the time I use the Rigel Quikfinder, but sometimes, for challenging objects, I add a RACI finder which sits very nicely near the eyepiece of the main scope. My 8x60 RACI finder is rather hefty, I think a 50mm or even a 30mm RACI finder would be better. Jealous of your AZ75 🙂

Edited by RobertI
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Another +1 for the Starfield. It’s finish is fantastic all round, and it’s performance is amazing for the price. I never really appreciated the benefits of a decent refractor until I bought a Starfield. I use a 9x50 RACI and a Baader Skysurfer V. I use the Baader 80% of the time but the RACI comes into its own in homing in on doubles. I also use it with a Baader Maxbright II binoviewer for the planets and the moon.

Edited by bosun21
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1 hour ago, Coxy80 said:

What would you recommend as a finder for the Starfiled? 

I often just use an RDF on my Tak if I’m going for familiar targets I can find easily, but as others have mentioned, a 9x50 RACI is a good addition. Used in conjunction with an RDF it makes like very easy.

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You cant go wrong with a good 4" refractor, it will be your lifetime scope as it is so versatile. Recently at a star party near me I met the owner of Starfield, he had a few on display and based upon what I saw when I inspected it, it seemed like a very well built unit with a smooth as butter focuser.

Edited by Sunshine
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On 11/11/2022 at 01:09, Mr Spock said:

Here's my choice:


That set up looks great, I was thinking about the same diagonal as well. 

What are you using as a finder shoe for the Baader RDF? 

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16 minutes ago, Coxy80 said:

Cheers for the reply I looked at this one, sadly it’s out of stock just now. Do you know if this is likely to fit? https://www.firstlightoptics.com/finders/astro-essentials-finder-shoe.html

This might be a safer bet as it has slotted holes - I use this one on my Altair Astro 102ED (same scope as the Starfield).


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As clear as its been in ages, very damp though. It's much clearer than the clear outside app would suggest. 

I managed to get the scope out for a little bit before I had to take the dog out.

Keen to get  back out later! 


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