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Jupiter 11th sept image de rotation

neil phillips

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Haven't done a image de rotation on winjupos for many years. So worth a try. Took me a while to remember how to combine lol. Also tried an experiment. I always sharpen first then put on winjupos for combine. On this capture I put all 3 two minute captures straight out of AS/3 No sharpening And then registax. But it works. Thought it would show artifacts, but it was fine 

Orion 245mm SW EQ5 PRO QHY 462C Baader Q barlow 


3 two minute captures


2022-09-11-0000_1.tif image de rotate.png 85.png 90.png

Edited by neil phillips
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For me, the processing seems spot on - nice detail, not clunky.

I'm trying to figure out your processing - so hope you could field a few questions!

Is that straight RGB with IR block? Or did you use a LUM layer - seem to recall you use an IR685 on occasion?

Also I'd be interested to know what exposure and capture software you're using. And is that a 2.25 Barlow?

TBH I've done quite a lot of mono planetary n the past, but  I'm having a bit of a fight with my current OSC set-up and trying to glean whatever info I can!

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47 minutes ago, Tommohawk said:

For me, the processing seems spot on - nice detail, not clunky.

I'm trying to figure out your processing - so hope you could field a few questions!

Is that straight RGB with IR block? Or did you use a LUM layer - seem to recall you use an IR685 on occasion?

Also I'd be interested to know what exposure and capture software you're using. And is that a 2.25 Barlow?

TBH I've done quite a lot of mono planetary n the past, but  I'm having a bit of a fight with my current OSC set-up and trying to glean whatever info I can!

Yes, its straight RGB. Exposure was 5ms sharpcap. Yes, the 2.25 Baader Q Barlow. But unscrewed and attached directly to the ZWO ADC 

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3 minutes ago, Pete Presland said:

That is really interesting to see the RAW data, thanks for sharing it.  Good to see the journey from the images out of Autostakkert and the finished image after rotation and sharpening.

Dont forget its a random frame not the sharpest selected Pete. Still at 200 fps you can see the sum is much great than the single. 

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14 hours ago, neil phillips said:

Yes, its straight RGB. Exposure was 5ms sharpcap. Yes, the 2.25 Baader Q Barlow. But unscrewed and attached directly to the ZWO ADC

Great, thanks Neil that's really helpful. My set-up seems essentially similar to yours - alas, the results are not! Your capture and processing skills are first class, but even allowing for this I'm pretty sure something in my kit isn't right.

My Omegon 385Velox camera has 3.8 micron pixels but I'm using a X5 powermate (at about 4X) so similar image scale. The camera has a built in IR filter, and I've tried adding an external one which - not surprisingly - makes no difference. Scope is a modified SW 250PDS. Capturing at 5ms same as you.

My conclusion is that to a great extent it's down to the primary mirror. Yours is 1/10 PV, and I'm guessing you had a more standard type thing previously - do you feel the high spec mirror makes a big difference?

I also wonder whether the performance drops off as it cools. This would seem counter intuitive, but last night I was getting really dodgy stars toward the end of the evening. Dont want to hijack the thread, but wonder if anyone has a view on that?

I'm going to set up tonight with my "work-horse" PDS200 which has always given great results in the past, albeit with mono. That should give some insight re the mirror issue.

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9 hours ago, Tommohawk said:

Great, thanks Neil that's really helpful. My set-up seems essentially similar to yours - alas, the results are not! Your capture and processing skills are first class, but even allowing for this I'm pretty sure something in my kit isn't right.

My Omegon 385Velox camera has 3.8 micron pixels but I'm using a X5 powermate (at about 4X) so similar image scale. The camera has a built in IR filter, and I've tried adding an external one which - not surprisingly - makes no difference. Scope is a modified SW 250PDS. Capturing at 5ms same as you.

My conclusion is that to a great extent it's down to the primary mirror. Yours is 1/10 PV, and I'm guessing you had a more standard type thing previously - do you feel the high spec mirror makes a big difference?

I also wonder whether the performance drops off as it cools. This would seem counter intuitive, but last night I was getting really dodgy stars toward the end of the evening. Dont want to hijack the thread, but wonder if anyone has a view on that?

I'm going to set up tonight with my "work-horse" PDS200 which has always given great results in the past, albeit with mono. That should give some insight re the mirror issue.

Many thanks for the kind comments Tom. First. No i do not find performance drops off. This can happen yes. I've seen it happen where seeing has worsened. But unless that happens. It's often actually better later. As the scope will continue to cool. Are you sure the secondary wasn't dewing over. As for the other question. It's a tricky one. Yes, i do believe if you get a really poor performing set of optics, it will indeed impact the result. Having said that it's really hard to tell when buying a scope if. yours is going to be in the poor class. I've seen some really excellent stuff with some SW 250 Newts. And on occasion i got good results out of my SW300P but it was more temperamental. Most occasions it was blurry. It took great seeing to come to life a certain set of conditions seemed to make it perform. but it was rarer. Hard to advise here Tom. check the optics with a Ronchi grating possibly. Not sure what else to advise. Get the mirror tested possibly? 

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8 hours ago, newbie alert said:

Extremely good Neil, do you always use the 462 or do you image in mono too?

Where do yo live, on the equator??

I only use mono for lunar now. So yes just the 462c. I live by the coast 1.5 miles from the ocean in Suffolk 

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1 hour ago, neil phillips said:

check the optics with a Ronchi grating possibly. Not sure what else to advise. Get the mirror tested possibly?

OK thanks for that Neil. Yes it would certainly help if there were some simple objective test that could be done - then I'd know exactly what was what. I read up on mirror testing and it all looked a bit of a black art!

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