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Latest JWST find on video


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1 hour ago, cajen2 said:

Superb images, even if, of course, the colours are all made up.

All colours are made up by the brain. Colours you perceive are not even a really accurate mapping of spectral information into a tri-stimulus colour space, they vary depending on context, observer, etc. The colours in these images are just yet another mapping  of spectral information to some tri-stimulus colour space

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8 minutes ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

All colours are made up by the brain. Colours you perceive are not even a really accurate mapping of spectral information into a tri-stimulus colour space, they vary depending on context, observer, etc. The colours in these images are just yet another mapping  of spectral information to some tri-stimulus colour space

Not only that - they can be quite accurate as far as color matching goes.

With a bit of science - very good reconstruction is possible.

Stars shine continuous spectra - and curve largely depends on temperature. This can be used to reconstruct accurate color from any 3 filters (or even 2 filters).

Emission lines also come in multiples because electrons can jump from more energy states. This means that Ha, OIII,  SII and other element also shine in IR part of spectrum with very distinct signature.



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Just as my own imaging was catching up with Hubble, those pesky pro's raise the bar... 🤪 🤣

But sersiously, that densely populated star forming region featured in the video is an image to behold. 

I'm gonna hold my hand up and admit that I was less than excited about JWST pre launch. Just another narrow spectrum orbital observatory with blurred, highly interpreted imagery I thought... 😳

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