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What's the top of your wish list? And why?


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An astrophotography setup in LEO, obviously. Failing that, an atmospheric turbulence calmer and weather control machine.

If neither of those proved feasible, then I guess I'd settle for a Mesu 200...

Oh, and a quadruple scope and camera set up to sit on it. Boy, would it feel satisfying to gather 24hrs of data in just one night!


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Too expensive: a Planewave 1m.

Not yet available for small observatories: active optics for aperture-limited resolution

Also not yet available for amateurs: imaging in the near IR, from 1.5 to 4 microns say.

Feasible: complete Sloan ugrizy filter set (I already have r and i).

Possible but tricky: converting my observatory to fully remote control.

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I don't have a wish list. I have a bucket list, and top of it is a total solar eclipse. We are planning our honeymoon for April 2024 and heading to upstate New York to go visit my best man for our upcoming wedding, and hopefully take in the eclipse. He lives slap bang in the path of totality.  We'll base ourselves in the area for a couple of weeks and do a bit of touring around the east coast, and up into Canada. 

Second on my list is the Northern Lights. That will probably also happen in 2024, for my 50th. 

Thirdly, a holiday to Australia. Its a lifelong dream of mine. Thankfully, my future SIL is Australian (living in Ireland 20 yrs). She will be a great help for our holiday. Most likely just stay in and close to Melbourne (where she is from). If we time it right, we may even see the Southern Lights.

Edited by LukeSkywatcher
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What I wanted was a RASA 11, CEM120, and an ASI2600MC.

What I got to do was hire contractors to replace the roof.

I still want those things, but I had enough left over for a HyperStar for my C6. That should satisfy my 'need for speed' for a few years.


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1 minute ago, bomberbaz said:

Well my itch got scratched, now I need to try my best not to develop another one.

I do not need a APM Super Zoom, I do not need a APM Super Zoom, I do not need a APM Super Zoom, I do not need a APM Super Zoom 😈

Well do not go on line after a couple of glasses of wine or ale as it tends to skint me.


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I would love an observatory with an AZ100 with drives and a very nice Vixen or Similar 150mm Refractor on it and a Nice 80mm Ha cope alongside.
But presently all but a dream for now.

Oh and the real impossible one,
Clear skies on my demand and availability to observe,
yes I know that's a stretch too far!

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  • 1 month later...

As a returner after many years of absence (all sorts of things happened), I've discovered after a few nights spent outside with the new optics, that more powerful optical kit is not at the top of my wishlist. It's an observing chair. Well, that came as a surprise to me too. Craning up, kneeling down, all the contortions that didn't bother me years ago, are telling me now that creature comforts are a thing after all.

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On 03/09/2022 at 22:40, Ags said:

I rather fancy the ES 20 mm 62 degree for my finderscope. But what I most desire at the moment is a Long Perng 90 mm f5.5 lanthanum/FPL51 doublet. I want a bigger refractor that is still viable for travel.

The Long Perng 90 comes on Friday!

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