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Abell 1367 - Leo Galaxy Cluster....


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Hi All,

I thought I would go for something different last night. After a quick scout around through Google for the phrase 'Leo Galaxy Clusters', I came across this observing report: http://www.visualdeepsky.org/logs/msg00174.html and decided to give it a bash.

I can honestly say I don't think I've ever seen so many Galaxies in such a small field of view! This area of Leo is really rich. At first I was not sure I had captured it, so I ran the image through the Astrometry server on Flickr.com - info here: 2009-03-22-Abell1367-L9x600 on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Sure enough, it highlighted a few of the faint-fuzzies - NGC 3842 and NGC 3862, so I quickly referred back to Cartes du Ciel, and managed to line up the FoV:


Overlaying this on the image gave me this:


Oh, and the full-sized image looks like this:


This was shot with my Astro Professional 102ED using an SXV-H9 and Clear filter. Guiding with a ZS66 on an EQ6. Subs were 9 x 600 seconds, and processed in Photoshop and MaximDL.

I'd like to try and capture some colour data for this, but I honestly do not know whether any colour will come out with such tiny dim objects!

Thanks for looking!



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This is just great. I hope you don't mind but I am going to use your image to help me go hunting visually for the brighter members of this group, better than an atlas page!



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I decided to see if I could get a bit more clarity with this image, so I setup last night in the same place and took 20 minute subs through the clear filter. Despite the wind, the mount and scopes tracked well, and I was able to successfully combine this with the previous 9x10 minute subs from the 22nd.

So this is 9x10 minute and 6 x 20 minute combined and processed:


Now I just need to add some colour to this puppy!



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Very nice RJ...

When you have added the colour to it it will be an absolute corker ... :)

I keep scrolling back to the first image as I think thhe second has lost depth...Blacks a bit too "black" for my personal preference and you seem to have lost the subtle gradation in the image but thats a personal preference i suppose...in the first one you "peer" back into the image to see the faint stuff even though its more noisy...gives for me anyway a greater sense of depth...


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Hi Peter,

I know what you mean - the reason its become less noisy (I hope) is that I added the 9x600 subs to the 6x1200 subs. I have then run Noise Ninja on it as well - maybe I went a bit too far with teh smoothing? I'll have another crack @ it.



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