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Well, what's your excuse?!


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Some 'youths' used stargazing as a reason to be on top of a bank.

This got me thinking, have you ever given stargazing as a reason you were somewhere you shouldn't have been (most likely on private property in the middle of nowhere I would imagine), but also, what's the best excuse given to one's other half for going out for stargazing?




“ABSOLUTE stupidity.” This was the police’s response after two youths caught standing on the roof of a Totton bank told them they were “stargazing”.

Officers responded to a call-out last Friday night, reporting the pair were spotted on top of Barclays in Commercial Road.

They came down and were spoken to before being taken home to explain to their parents what they had been doing.

Two youngsters spotted on roof of Barclays in Commercial Road, Totton, told police they were "stargazing" (Photo: Google) Two youngsters spotted on roof of Barclays in Commercial Road, Totton, told police they were "stargazing" (Photo: Google)

“The reason? ‘Stargazing’,” a local officer posted on Facebook afterwards.

“I don’t know much about this field, but I have a hunch that standing on a bank roof in the middle of Totton might not be the best place to see the stars.

“Also, one of the boys nearly fell off the edge. Absolute stupidity.”

The post went on to urge the parents and guardians of any “adventurous” youngsters to tell them it is not worth risking their lives with such behaviour.

“We wouldn’t want to scrape them off the floor,” the officer added.

Facebook users took to the comments to criticise the youths’ actions.

One wrote: “They'll be seeing stars when they fall.”

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As teenagers, my brother and I got questioned by police on a quiet roundabout at 2am in the morning.

Sadly, we were stargazing (Perseid meteor shower if I remember correctly and we knew too much about it to leave the police in any doubt)! 😆

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A very long time ago, first job early 80's, police turned up late at night to our central London office with complaints about noise, some sort of catterwailing from the rooftop. So they came in and had a chat with the culprit, someone senior on shift who had been smoking some interesting herbs and had gone up onto the roof to strangle the cat - well, guitar. Younger plod wanted to nick him for all the dubious breaches not to mention the breeches that were no longer holding/concealing what they shoulda. Older decided he wasn't interested in spending hours dealing with all the paperwork so he got a warning and they left.

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Try stargazing around Menwith Hill near Harrogate.

It is an American military 'Listening' station and information hub from Cold War times whose strategic importance is once again on the rise.

If you pull over in a lay-by anywhere within a mile and a half of the domes you will be soon visited by curious armed constabulary. 

Which is a shame as it is a good stretch of open dark skies just outside of Harrogate.

"So Officer, it may look like a mortar, but in fact it's my travel Dobsonian ........"


Edited by Craney
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I used a nearby construction site a couple of times as it was at the time just a cleared dark field with some equipment and materials here and there. Soon after it was fenced and gated off with signs telling no entry for unauthorized personnel (also installed lights). It was somewhat obviously a place i shouldnt be in but its on them for not putting up the signs earlier.

Someone must have been puzzled looking at some security cam footage of a desperate astronomer trying to find some darkness for his scope.

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I was at our local dark place a few years aog, learning how to use a dslr for widefield milky way stuff.

A couple came up to us, middle of the night, full headtorch on and proceeded to ask me, 'oh, what are you doing? Are you doing an exposure?'....whilst not turning the headtorch off or out of my face.

Luckily it was only practice shots but still....

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A few yrs ago, I got the permission from a small holdings farmer to observe from his field. The field was very dark and just beside a road which was not a busy or well lit road (think of a secondary or thersury road). In the field were two donkies and 20 sheep. The donkies would always be with me, curious as to what I was doing. I'd often have late night pub goers passing by asking me if I was allowed to be there.

My simple answer was:"Would the donkies be here with me, by my side, if I wasn't".

Those were well fed donkies. I always went prepared with a few bags of carrots 🥕

Sadly now, the field,donkies and sheep are gone and houses have been built on the land.

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On 09/08/2022 at 11:34, Swoop1 said:

I regularly went where people didn't want me, armed with a bit of paper that said I could be there.

Never used dark sky quality as a grounds for a search warrant though.....

I once went where they didn't want me to be too tho no bits of paper. I blame the mini-cab driver that got himself lost, crossed the M4 and drove us into an army base. Of course we were then stopped a few hundred yards in by several folks in green and carrying guns! What a fun start to the day and getting to the IT course I was suppose to be at, tho the tale did amuse the other students and instructors greatly 🙄

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On 08/08/2022 at 18:26, Craney said:

Try stargazing around Menwith Hill near Harrogate.

It is an American military 'Listening' station and information hub from Cold War times whose strategic importance is once again on the rise.

If you pull over in a lay-by anywhere within a mile and a half of the domes you will be soon visited by curious armed constabulary. 

Which is a shame as it is a good stretch of open dark skies just outside of Harrogate.

"So Officer, it may look like a mortar, but in fact it's my travel Dobsonian ........"


Fylingdales in yorkshire is the same.  Usually within 15mins the local MOD Police will arrive to check :D  Chat a little while about your telescopes and off they toddle. 



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