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Horizon Special on JWST BBC tonight


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Really enjoyed the Horizon special on the James Webb Space Telescope this evening on the BBC. I knew about most of the topics, but it was nice to SEE in detail the engineering that went into the project. It really conveyed the complexity and scale of the effort as well as the stomach-churning fear of whether it would work or not. The programme focused on the engineering and the launch and deployment process with only the small number of images that have been released at the end. I could have done with a bit more on why these images are so amazing, but it was a good programme nevertheless, and one that left my scientific, but non-astronomical, wife slack-jawed with amazement. She had not realised how big a deal the sunshoeld was.

Well done BBC!

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There will be plenty "in depth science" coming out of JWST in many different scientific forums (and by that I dont only mean "forums" in the sense of Bulletin Boards like SGL but the many scientific publications and conferences that will be held) in the coming weeks, months and years.

This was a mainstream TV program intended to inform the general public of the technical complexity and importance of the JWST. It had to be engaging, interesting and provide the viewer with the "wow" factor.

On that basis I think it was an excellent program, pitched perfectly. In fact, one of the best I've seen.

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In contrast, I gave up on the programme early on because of the constant barrage of music that accompanied it. It really isn't necessary in my opinion. Sorry to be grumpy about it, but for me it spoiled what could have been an interesting programme.


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14 hours ago, DaveS said:

OK, not in depth science, but not bad for a "Horizon"

Horizon is nowhere as good as it was 40yrs ago when it seems that it was more in depth.


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4 hours ago, The Admiral said:

In contrast, I gave up on the programme early on because of the constant barrage of music that accompanied it. It really isn't necessary in my opinion. Sorry to be grumpy about it, but for me it spoiled what could have been an interesting programme.


I struggled manfully on dispite the music,  which was really terrible and pointless.  After a while I was half expecting the major discovery of a man with a digital music workstation and 70s 'rototom' drums being revealed behind the interstellar dust.  The trouble is that once you notice it's presence, it's impossible to ignore. It's annoying, pointless and more importantly, can make it difficult for watchers with hearing impairments to understand.

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Yeah, not bad for a modern day horizon, at least they didn’t loop the same bit of footage over and over like C4 and C5 documentaries.

Nice to see the low tech but hence super reliable design of the shield retaining pins. I never got wind of the ‘has the cover unfurled?’ scare at the time, did I miss this or did NASA keep it quiet?

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18 hours ago, sheeprug said:

After a while I was half expecting the major discovery of a man with a digital music workstation and 70s 'rototom' drums being revealed behind the interstellar dust.

Sorry, I can't resist:


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