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Total Lunar Eclipse May 2022.


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13 minutes ago, Dave scutt said:

Looks like I'll miss it weather don't look to good 😪

Not sure of the forecast here. 

Fingers crossed.


Cloudy with 40% chance of rain from midnight tomorrow 

Edited by LukeSkywatcher
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Timings. (All in BST as we're in BST to avoid confusion)

Partial phase starts Monday morning     03:28

Totality starts  04:29   but the moon will be getting low and morning twilight is rapidly encroaching.

Moon starts to set 05:09 while fully eclipsed (Game over : from Derby, UK anyway)

Good luck with the weather.....hopefully we'll get to see a bit of it.

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In Berlin I might be miraculously okay, pretty much just during the eclipse window. Clear outside has been fairly accurate the last few days so I'm crossing my fingers. I won't get the full eclipse same as the UK and I'm also not sure how much visibility I will get with buildings etc. but I'm going to go for it nonetheless. 


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Not going to be able to see it in my part of Ohio either.  I will probably be asleep by the time it starts anyway.  0500 comes way to early the next morning.


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Hello all, 

I came on here to see what anyone else was able to see. I almost did not want to reply because of the disappointment over there with the weather, but I decided that sharing is caring, haha. Besides, my poor family back home in the Seattle area were rained out as well, because of course. We were graced with clear skies after record precipitation events here in North Dakota which is making my job as a soil scientist a more muddy than dirty, but my boss let me telework today—I am writing this on my lunch break, I promise—as he knew I would be up late. My wife and I set up the Apertura AD8 outside for the first time. The temperature was approximately 58 degrees Fahrenheit, which is "flip-flop weather" on the Great Plains... if you do not wear cowboy boots! I was worried about the dirt roads around here, but people were mostly respectful and drove slow, perhaps to check out our setup. I was worried about the hills near the Jamestown Reservoir, but the moon rose above the trees just as the eclipse started. I was able to use the event to sneak-a-peek at other objects, including one of the small, faint galaxies to the left of Phecda, and I am cursing myself now for forgetting to attempt to find the Pinwheel Galaxy since I was starhopping around Ursa Major. Nonetheless, although I do not know which one in particular I was looking at, I suspect M109 and I am please I was able to see it, surely the dimmest object I have looked at thus far as a newcomer to the hobby.  I attempted to take the best photographs as I could using my iPhone 11 Pro fixed to an Orion SteadyPix smartphone telescope adapter. I understand that these are probably horrendous compared to the astrophotographers out there! I will probably get better at it as time goes by. The main lesson learned was to attach my phone before it gets dark next time. Also, has anyone seen the Space X Starlink "satellite train"? I have never seen it until yesterday evening and it was utterly terrifying during the first moments until I realized what it was. We truly did get lucky as it is going to rain more this week, but I wish you clear skies out there so you can get back to stargazing!



Setup - 1.jpg

Setup - 2.jpg

Moon - 1.jpg

Moon - 2.jpg

Edited by Astric Celestiustolls
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