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A few of my images, to introduce myself to the forum.


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I just joined the forum, and so I thought I'd introduce myself with some of the images I've captured and processed from the last couple of months.  They have all been captured using a Daystar Quark, and an Explore Scientific AR102 f/6.5 achromat.  The close-up one was captured with an ASI290MM, and the others with an ASI1600MM.  They have all been pre-processed with AutoStakkert, and then post-processed with PixInsight.  In all cases, I experimented with Deconvolution and MultiscaleLinearTransform settings, and then combined with LRGBCombination, and applied false colour with CurvesTransformation, including some false inversion and actual inversion in one case.  I may have applied TGVDenoise too, but only with a very light touch.

I love solar imaging.  You can do it in sunlight for a start! Each capture only takes a handful of seconds, it's quick to pre-process, the SNR is fantastic.  It's different every day too!




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Thank you all, I appreciate it!  I will get around to posting a few shots in the DSO, lunar and planetary forums too.  Having said that, the planetary images will just illustrate my pleas for help!  @vineyard The ones you mention were all captured in the same session!  Very nice seeing.  I tend to prioritise observing, and only when I've had enough of that will I decide to do some imaging, so I'm not hugely productive, but that suits me fine.  That particular day gave me more than enough sunshine to do both! :)

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1 minute ago, Luke said:

Lovely images, well done! And welcome to SGL. Looks to me like your Quark is performing very well. My fave images are 1, 4 and 5 from the top.

Thank you Luke! My favourite is number 4, hands down.  It's got the best surface texture I think.  It's always irked me though that my deconvolution PSF had obviously gone a bit awry, as when performing the false inversion, an edge artefact became visible all the way around!  I'm going to have to dig out the original integration and fix that at some point!  It's still my favourite though :)

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