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First light with two Explore Scientific 82° EPs - 6.7mm and 14mm


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Just had first light with a pair of new (to me) EPs that have been languishing in boxes for a few weeks. I was a little nervous about how well I was going to get on with them as I didn't have a great time with my old 16mm Nirvana 82°. But it turns out I get along with these models just fine.

With both EPs I had no trouble seeing the full field. With the Nirvana, I had trouble getting my eye positioned correctly and had to pay careful attention to how I was moving around over the eye lens to avoid blackouts. However, with the ES it just seemed to work for me and I was no longer being constantly aware of how I was having to use it. I just stuck my eye up to the eyecup and started observing.

6.7mm first. The seeing was good so I observed Theta Aurigae. The split was easy and the tiny secondary appeared as a clear pin prick next to the larger bright primary star. I was using the dob (1213mm FL) so that's x180 magnification. The on to Uranus - which appeared as a clear cyan disk.

With the 14mm I observed a few targets in Auriga. M36, 37 and 38 as usual. All beautifully clear, with M37 filling the FOV of the new EP. Also observed clusters NGC 1893 and NGC 1931 - I'm sure I could see some nebulosity within both.

Pretty impressed with them both and relieved I get on with them.

Edited by Pixies
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Nice report and good to get clear skies to test the new EPs. Since I upgraded my EPs to ES82, I am not sure I can go at lower FOV ones. I love the fact when I look at nebulas that I can see the surrounding as well. I found that it darkens the background nicer . I found that with the tighter eye relief that I find the sweet spot for diffuse nebulas much easier.

@Epick CromI bought mine from AliExpress and they were much cheaper than UK/EU suppliers and delivered quickly. Stock is hit or miss.


Edited by Kon
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14 minutes ago, Epick Crom said:

Thanks @Kon. My current widest field eyepieces are 68 degrees. I have been dreaming of 82 degrees for some time now

I found that with my Dob things stay in FOV for longer before I need to nudge it. I have the ES 24mm 68 degree as my widest low power EP since I do not want to swap between 2 and 1.25" during observing.

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2 minutes ago, Kon said:

I found that with my Dob things stay in FOV for longer before I need to nudge it. I have the ES 24mm 68 degree as my widest low power EP since I do not want to swap between 2 and 1.25" during observing.

Yes that is another great advantage of wider field of view eyepieces, besides the great, expansive views is less time nudging to keep objects in sight 👍. How are your 2" eyepieces? That is another thing I need to add to my evergrowing astronomical wishlist!

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@Epick CromI have no 2" EP at the moment, since I do not fancy swapping the focuser midway observing. I suppose I could get adapters for the 1.25" ones to fit the 2" focuser. Although the 24mm is ok for most of my observing, I would love to have some of the very large nebulas showing in the FOV without panning around. So a 2"  82 degree EP in the 30s mm might be a future purchase.

I agree it is never ending buying things. I am dreaming of the 100 degree EPs but soooo expensive.

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@Kon, I feel you, same here! I was looking at the TV Ethos 100 degree eyepieces and dreaming as well but just too expensive. I will be happy to get at least one 82 degree to try. Like you all my eyepieces are 1.25 inch. Oh well we can always dream☺️

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I was using my 2" Aero ED 35mm last night  too. That's a 68° EP and gives just under 2° of sky. It was good for showing both M38 and NGC1907 in the same view. 

It's not a bad EP, not heavy or enormous like some other 2" ones. Even with a 5.8mm exit pupil in my dob, it doesn't appear to show too much of my mild astigmatism. I have the 30mm version too - it's for sale in the classifieds section. I prefer the 35mm.

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3 hours ago, Epick Crom said:

@Kon, I feel you, same here! I was looking at the TV Ethos 100 degree eyepieces and dreaming as well but just too expensive. I will be happy to get at least one 82 degree to try. Like you all my eyepieces are 1.25 inch. Oh well we can always dream☺️

There are APM XWA for less than half the price of Ethos . 😄

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Excellent report on these two ultra-wide eyepieces :thumbright:

I had one of the 4.7mm Explore Scientific 82 degree eyepieces for a few months last year and enjoyed using it. So petite but a lot of performance in the small package and for surprisingly few £'s :smiley:

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