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Read 'em and weep.....


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Not likely matey, I'm still in the first flush of enthusiasm not like these cloud weary veterans 8)

Hey, don't tar us all with the same brush. 25+ years and still going strong (although I have to admit, last month did try my patience :lol:)

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Well im sat in my garden with my laptop on my knee (amazing how warm these things keep you!) and had a great start to the evening. Completly clear! Got a few good shots of the cresent moon high in the sky. Totally clear. Went over to saturn for a ganzer and framed it nicely with a 5mm x-cel. Went inside to get my barlow. Came back outside to find a HUGE cloud just covering the moon and heading towards saturn. Sat here now waiting for it to clear..... doesn't look good, it goes all the way to the horizon. Gutted! It's moving fast though so i'll hang on for 30 mins and see what happens. Sounds stupid, but apart from the cloud it's the clearest night all year. One of the few "black velvet" nights. The new ED100 is fantastic. Some excellent views of the terminator. So much better than anything else i've seen through. A little bit of a green tinge to things, but im guessing thats the coatings on the lens. Focused fantasticly, although i have VERY little back focus left with the x-cel's maybe a mm or 2 left. Tried the webcam and had to take the diagonal off to gain focus (yes i know i shouldn't image though the diagonal but im lazy and was just testing).

Owww a clear patch. Will try and write a review of the ED100 later tonight after this session.

Clear skies.

Gordon Copestake

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