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B174 Hargb


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This is Barnard 174, at least the dark area in the bottom left of the frame is. I framed it this way as I was hoping to get the lovely blue nebulosity in the top right. It took nearly 6 weeks to acquire the data for this image, started late August and finished early October. I believe it was nine nights in total and was down to the terrible conditions for imaging in East Cork lately. 

270 * 120 second exposures at gain 100 -10C Rgb

80 * 180 second exposures at gain 100 -10C Ha with the Stc duoband filter

Takahashi Epsilon 160 mounted on an AzEq6

Processed in Pixinsight, APP and PS





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5 hours ago, Crackabarrel said:

Lovely image, nicely done.

Completely sympathize on the weather front, Dublin has been awful for months now with no end in sight.

Thanks, looking forward to some long, crisp, clear nights hopefully coming soon.

2 hours ago, megrez said:

That's beautiful, so much detail!

Many thanks.

48 minutes ago, Padraic M said:

That's superb Richard, both capturing and processing. I don't know how you managed 15 hours, I don't think I've seen stars since July! Well worth the effort.

Thanks Padraic, I really just had to take any window when it came. Some questionable data thrown in to the mix too. Hopefully things pick up for you soon.

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9 hours ago, Allinthehead said:

Thanks, nice to get my first image of the season done. Already on to the next one. I see you have the Epsilon for sale, are you going for another Apm?

I am but might end up keeping the epsilon anyway.  I am processing some M45 data at the minute, and it's pretty deep for just 4 hours each panel with the Epsilon, hard to look past the speed of the scope.

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On 18/10/2021 at 22:16, tooth_dr said:

I am but might end up keeping the epsilon anyway.  I am processing some M45 data at the minute, and it's pretty deep for just 4 hours each panel with the Epsilon, hard to look past the speed of the scope.

When I sold my first 130 I was warned I'd regret it and I did. Hard to go back to slower scopes especially in this climate where opportunities are rare. 

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That is lovely Richard! The starfield is mesmerizing as often with Epsilon images.

As a side note. I just started using the Star Xterminator filter for PS and if I was you I would be tempted try it on that image to see what I could do to enhance the starless nebulosity and then bring back the stars to a likable level, at least as an experiment.

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20 hours ago, gorann said:

That is lovely Richard! The starfield is mesmerizing as often with Epsilon images.

As a side note. I just started using the Star Xterminator filter for PS and if I was you I would be tempted try it on that image to see what I could do to enhance the starless nebulosity and then bring back the stars to a likable level, at least as an experiment.

Thanks Goran, I'll try to give it a go over the weekend. I did use starnet on it but worth giving Star Xterminator a try I suppose.

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5 hours ago, GalaxyGael said:

Lovely image Richard, these mixed nebulosity areas of sky are indeed overlooked in the main, and ideal for natural RGB colorspace. Fair play on sticking with the same target to complete it, clear and crisp.

Thanks Colm, it was worth the effort. I'm going for 15 hours at F/3.3 for the next one, hopefully I can stick with it.

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