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Televue DeLite

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With Saturn  recently have  arrived at opposition had  a chance  to try out  my new TV  DeLite  7 mm on Saturday night at about midnight which put it at  approx 30 degrees above horizen in the central U.S.  I have been quite pleased with the performance  of this ep on globular clusters with my 10" Skywatcher Dob.  All I can say is- WOW!!   I was  blown away. The best  view I've ever had of Saturn hands down.  Great ring  resolution, Casinni division, several equitorial bands. It was  absolutely stunning!  I just  stayed with my eye glued for about  half an hour  straight in utter amazement. Then for  fun I popped on my Orion 6 mm Edge On Planetary (which had been my planet go to) to compare. Don't get me wrong, the  Orion is a  good ep but no question  the view with the  DeLite was sharper, cleaner,  definitely better, clearly  a step above.  I had  read  several glowing  reviews of the DeLite on this forum before purchasing  one  and now  I can enthusiastically add my glowing review to the list!    By the way it also did great for me on  Wild Duck cluster  (M11) which I had never seen before and that  was  quite  a treat  as well. Technically an open cluster  but  looks quite like a loose globular.    So  anyone thinking  of getting  the DeLite  all I can say is- do it!   Clear  skies everyone.

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I have the predecessor… a TV Radian 6mm.

The first time I used mine, I too was blown away. It still delivers excellent views 20+ years later.

Just wait until you get a TV Nagler!


Edited by Philip R
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Great to see that the Delite is delighting you !

From what I've read about them, the Delites seem to have the just about best optical properties of all the Tele Vue ranges currently :smiley:

Unless you count the Tele Vue Apollo 11 as a "range" I guess :icon_scratch:


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Nice report on a superb eyepiece. Once you get to this level, you can be sure you’re getting the best out of your telescope and sky conditions on any particular night. There’s very little optically between Delite, Delos and XW (and probably Morpheus - haven’t tried one yet) in my experience. They are all a pleasure to use and complement almost any decent scope.

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