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The moon April 23th 2021, 42Mpx mosaic


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under good conditions even modest scopes can get you remarkable results.

below a 29 panel mosaic resulting in a 42Mpx image of our moon.

29 panels of 2000 frames each using a green filter on a 6" cassegrain @ f/12 equiped with a QHY 462C camera.

for sure click to get the full image.



Clear skies,


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Very fine detail.

I personally don't like that level of denoising applied - it creates a sense of "plastic" in darker regions - as if plastic model has been recorded rather than actual Moon.

Brighter regions don't suffer from this effect and look very good - I guess denoising was selective based on signal (and SNR) levels.

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8 minutes ago, vlaiv said:

I personally don't like that level of denoising applied - it creates a sense of "plastic" in darker regions - as if plastic model has been recorded rather than actual Moon.

Brighter regions don't suffer from this effect and look very good - I guess denoising was selective based on signal (and SNR) levels.


only a very mild noise reduction was used:


and that was the only noise reduction applied to the entire image. Actually the amount of noise produced with this camera is so incredibly low. With my ASI 174 i had to use significantly stronger noise reduction, and often multiple times between processing steps. Now I have to admit that I do not like noise one bit. Luckily we all have different tastes or otherwise every picture would look the same 😀


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Very nice.

My only astro camera is a 462C, could I achieve a similar effect with my dSLR and multiple shots per panel? Mine main telescope is a Skymax 127, but I am awaiting a 180 as well.

(and yes, it's cloudy and raining here in Athens for two days!)



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If it would be my choice i'd try with the 462C. Taking many shots with a dslr kan work, but the result will most likely not be as good as what one can achieve with an astro camera. But what keeps you from experimenting. If it doesn't work out the moon will always come back 😀

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9 minutes ago, wouterdhoye said:

If it would be my choice i'd try with the 462C. Taking many shots with a dslr kan work, but the result will most likely not be as good as what one can achieve with an astro camera. But what keeps you from experimenting. If it doesn't work out the moon will always come back 😀


Clouds and rain are my bane these days 😕

I feel that a larger sensor would be more easy to use for a panel, instead of 29 (my APS Canon 80D gives me 24 Mp, but no stacking.

When the clouds part, I will try first with dSLR image stacking, then play with the 462C (I suppose that a 533 would be easier to make a panel, will see later)



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Very good image, and a lot of effort with a large mosaic. 🙂 As vlaiv says though, I don't think noise reduction is usually necessary on 'planetary' videos if you have a reasonable number of frames. You don't say what percentage of each 2000 frames for each panel was used but my smaller image I posted yesterday which you kindly commented on, used best 270 frames from 1800 frames taken. No noise reduction was applied and even applying significantly excessive levels of sharpening, no noise was evident. Admittantly I used little camera gain, but even using high camera gain where the preview is very noisey, stacking around 250 or more frames brings the noise right down where it shouldn't really be a problem. 🙂


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