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A strange Clavius and some other lunar shots from Feb 3rd


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Been a bit busy of late but it was too clear to ignore last night. Seeing was a bit watery but ok in parts (much better than of late anyway!) so here are a few shots of the Moon. Seeing wouldn't stand high resolution work so these are taken with my C-14 at f/28. An Astronomik 742nm filter was used to help stabilise things. The camera was a SKYnyx 2-0M. Straight Wall 2009-02-03_18-19-33_742.jpg Moody Clavius 2009-02-03_19-34-58_742_900.jpg Plato, processed to show the wonderful shadow cast by the rim (this is part of a large mosaic yet to be put together) 2009-02-03_19-25-05_742.jpg Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus and Arzachel reduced to make it a bit more manageable 2009-02-03_18-19-01_742_1024.jpg Thanks for looking.

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You know its funny Pete saying seeing wouldnt stand high resolution. So many would regard this as extremly high resolution. But having seen most of your work for the last couple of years, I know exactly what you mean

Look foward to seeing the higher res stuff, When seeing supports it. Still these are all superb

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Hi Pete

The seeing condtions just down the road here are awful.

Going to f20 was even poor,So thats a great effort to even get sharp

images. Lovely shots mate.

Look like i need you to pop over and 'bless' my scope :(


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Thanks for the great comments :( Ed - I don't think I'm qualified to do blessings - lol!

Neil, yes by high resolution I mean working at around f/42 rather than what I used here (f/28). You need good conditions to get away with the really high mag stuff.

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Yep cant argue with that, I don't remember seeing this one ( where was i lol ) This really is seeing you and your C14 at its best, truly stunning Pete, Its images like this that make me get excited about lunar imaging, Especially considering it was taken in the UK and not some exotic location abroad. Gives hope to us all struggling to improve what were doing. The resolution of those tiny cratelets is mind boggling. Humboldt Crater that you took some time ago was my favourite. Now I'm not so sure, Inspirational stuff.

Can you tell me what barlow this is ? and why under 7/8 seeing you used a red filter.Would have thought a green filter would be more in tune with the seeing here, Penny for your thoughts. You always do this to me, got me looking on The lumenera site now, Oh no i just spent three grand on my new setup. I wont even have furniture left soon by the time i sell everything to pay for this obsession :laughing2:

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Hi Neil,

I have a range of Barlows but the one I like for hi-res lunar imaging if the conditions allows is a 3x Moonfish Barlow. No idea what the price of this is at the moment but originally it cost me something like £39!

I've never really rated the results I have got with a green filter over that I get with a red. I have done side by side tests before and the narrowband red has always won out. I think the green, with it's shorter wavelength, might just pip the post under very good conditions but by then I'm normally so excited I forget to use it anyway :(

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OK thanks for the info Pete. I remember you mentioning the moonfish. Great bargain that must be, Yes i suppose seeing is the real question here, under good seeing i would have thought the green would do better, But for the most part that doesn't happen a lot around here anyways. Looks like i might start using my red filter ( was going to get a green) i have got a Baarder red longpass 610nm. One last bit of advice hope you don't mind, how would this compare to your astronomik, do you think this filter is adequate for lunar ? or should i get something else, Sorry about all the questions, I'm really trying to tighten everything I'm doing. And i know you know your stuff so well. your advice will really help.

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WOW... :hello1: I'm speechless... F42!!!

I can honestly say that I have never seen such detail before... You can look at the last image of Ptolemaeus for hours and still not see it all. I have never had such seeing so far, push my Mewlon M250 past F16/22 is normally not possible. To be very honest using it at F11 the native focal length is difficult without an IR filter.


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