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Drift method alignment problem, and question

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I am forced to use the drift method alignment from my back garden due to a neighbouring building being between Capella and me. So I have been practising the drift alignment method. I have however ran into a problem, and no amount of googling has provided me with the answer. so I am hoping that someone can help me out in understanding what could be the issue or what I could be doing wrong.
The problem that I am experiencing is that the objects in my viewfinder are drifting backwards. i.e. they are slowing disappearing off my screen on the lefthand side. There is no drift upwards or downwards that I can detect thought. The drift is slow enough to allow me to take a picture of up to around 4 seconds without the stars looking out of shape. But at 10sec or higher, the drift is quite clear.
Does anyone have an idea or suggestion for me to try?

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Need to know a little bit more about your equipment:

   What mount
   What camera
   Are you guiding , if so with what software (If any)

You say you can't see Capella, but I don't understand why that means you have to drift align, Capella isn't usually involved in polar alignment?

Edited by almcl
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I should of course have typed Polaris. I have Capella on my mind from trying to fix a headphone amp that is called Capella.

I have a Besser photo mount, and my camera is a Panasonic G90, which is fitted with a 35-100mm f2.8 zoom. The weight of the camera plus lens is within the 2KG limit of the recommendation from Besser.

The link at https://www.cloudynights.com/articles/cat/articles/darv-drift-alignment-by-robert-vice-r2760 is very helpful and I hope to try it out as soon as I get a clear sky. It has been raining and it is expected to be cloudy for the rest of the week.

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5 minutes ago, Pork_Nocker said:

The link at https://www.cloudynights.com/articles/cat/articles/darv-drift-alignment-by-robert-vice-r2760 is very helpful and I hope to try it out as soon as I get a clear sky. It has been raining and it is expected to be cloudy for the rest of the week.

DARV is well suited to DSLR.


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