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Everything posted by Kryptic

  1. The mount I bought weeks ago may end up never really seeing the light of night at current rate
  2. Yes, you can just see the target crosshair in this video at this point
  3. Hi. Yes, you roughly polar align and then it goes through a sequence to work out where you're really pointing. It then does indeed give you a vector. Pick a bright star, and the vector moves to that star. Then you adjust with live looping, until star is in the crosshairs Oh yes, top tip - the vector stays the same length - it doesn't shrink as you get closer to aligned
  4. From the FAQ What is the score, and what is its meaning? The score is a measure of the picture quality. To put it simply, the higher the score, the more round and not too big stars were found. <edit didn't read OP properly>
  5. The thing with these unknown brands on Amazon (which is flooded with them these days), is that you've no idea if the product will live up to the claims. Whilst I've had some good stuff, I've also had some lemons. Personally, without a goodly number of customer reviews (and yes, there are plenty of fake reviews too), it'd have to be money I was willing to write off. Caveat emptor. At least you can return to Amazon easily enough - unlike, say, Aliexpress, where you're typically shipping back to China
  6. Just an idea - red led flashes when you try to slew? This suggests low voltage What power source are you using?
  7. Yeah, but only if it's long enough (hence the swap suggestion). But if that binds up... http://skywatcher.com/contact/
  8. It's a bit of a minefield - what with cheap junk readily available online and the high cost of the devices that have a good reputation e.g. Jackery Sorry I can't make a recommendation - I built my own using a caravan battery.
  9. Don't know if they should be the same. Try swapping them around perhaps?
  10. That device has a max output of 2.1 amps - suggested on this thread that 5 amps would be better
  11. @Seelivebeat me to it - specs on here https://www.astroshop.eu/equatorial-with-goto/skywatcher-mount-eqm-35-pro-synscan-goto/p,57352#tab_bar_1_select say 15 to 65 degrees. Agree with taking right hand screw out completely. After that it's contact dealer \ Skywatcher
  12. Aye, sorry I'm new to AP, but have set up with Astroberry and got plate solving working offline (need to travel up onto the moors for some darker skies), and managed a very brief guiding test. Thanks - hope so too - for you, me and everyone else.
  13. Yeah, we dry the clouds out before sending on to you
  14. Waiting \ hoping for some clear skies to test the same bundle from RVO.
  15. You know you need to move the scope during the process? These were the easiest distructions \ explanation I found when I was looking at how to drift align https://www.cloudynights.com/articles/cat/articles/darv-drift-alignment-by-robert-vice-r2760
  16. The idea is that darks are a map of the thermal noise generated by the camera sensor - different cameras, different maps. So no, not really.
  17. Do you not do the alignment in the Synscan app rather than Stellarium?
  18. No experience with this, but guess it depends on you rings - if they're like these...
  19. Some discussion here... https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/694311-asi294mc-pro-with-asiair-pro-power-source-question/?p=10193357 (hopefully link jumps to specific post)
  20. Polar alignment suggestion - Ekos - it'll image for PA using your dslr
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