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I feel like such an idiot

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If anyone has read my saturn report they will be familiar with the problems I have had with my motors and controller after sending the controller away to be repaired waiting nearly three months to get it back ( or rather a new one ) from china, then checking it and finding it working but could I get it to track when I take it out for the first time No !!!!

Now the idiot bit, clear Sky's tonight so I try again, target saturn eye piece Meade super plossel 6.3mm ( 190x in my scope ) this time I change around the Ra and DEC leads to the motors........... hay presto saturn stays put without any need to move the scope for about 3 mins.

Mark ( The idiot ) RD

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D'ya spose its ok to laugh yet?

As long as Im the first to :lol::) :) :) :) :p

Im really happy its working as it,s ment to, it make such a diffrence to see things and not to have to keep moving the scope all the time.


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Got the T shirt on that one Mark. :)


Nice to know I'm not the only one :lol: I'm still on a real buzz knowing it all works and that I got it setup correctly. The best part was when I turned the controller off and within seconds saturn was almost out of the eye piece. Its the simple things that make us happy :)


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Don't kick youself Mark!

I spent ages looking for the counterweight bar on my HEQ5, scrabbling round in the boxes, calling OVL everything under the sun.....I think someone here helped me look for it as well....can't remember who :lol:

Released a clamp by mistake and out it popped :)


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Thought my Atik had packed in the other night, just got a white screen with K3ccdtools. Fiddled with the settings, rebooted twice. Changed to Toucam - worked fine. Decided camera was bust then remembered .... connect parallel port .... DOH!!

Who was it who had the best ever dark skies when they had a local power cut and promptly fell into a rose bed :lol:

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I spent ages looking for the counterweight bar on my HEQ5, scrabbling round in the boxes, calling OVL everything under the sun.....I think someone here helped me look for it as well....can't remember who :lol:

OK, it was me :oops: (perhaps I won't laugh yet).

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When i first got my Nexstar 80GT I couldn't get it to align no matter what i did. No matter how well i leveled the OTA and pointed it north, when it went off to look for the first alignment star it was completly off. Vega was in the wrong part of the sky. I made sure my date and time were perfect to the second. I made sure my latiude and longitude were perfect to 4 decimal places. Everything was right but it still wouldn't align. I was so frustrated as this was my first scope and refused to be beaten. Then i noticed i had the OTA in the tube rings the wrong way round....... You live and learn.

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Mark ( The idiot ) RD

I've just had a bad-day-at-the-office moment that might make you feel better Mark:

I removed the two objective lenses from a Skywatcher 150mm refractor for a clean and reassemble. It is a surprisingly simple operation that I have carried out before but this time ... I dropped one on the desk and knocked a couple of chips out of its edge :shock:

Ho Hum

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I removed the two objective lenses from a Skywatcher 150mm refractor for a clean and reassemble. It is a surprisingly simple operation that I have carried out before but this time ... I dropped one on the desk and knocked a couple of chips out of its edge Ho Hum

:shock: :shock:

I'll do the scope collimation on my own next time!! :shock:

OK.....Just kidding...

I rebuilt an Armstrong 250 motocross bike once...fantastic machine.The Police used them to catch naughty people :nono: I spent hours trying to get the rear wheel spindle off.... soaked it with the good old WD40 (Mmmm Lush stuff!!). Tickled it, forced it, soaked it, tickled it.....

In the end I lost patience...And got the scafold pole out...Mmmm, Groan, Ping off it.....Sheared :lol: ...

Left hand thread :) :)

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:shock: Thats Bad isnt it Steve :shock: but if the chips are at the outter edges and i mean far outter edges it shouldn't make a differance Steve

You are right James, it won't effect viewing but it will effect its selling price - I shall replace the cell.

Left hand thread :lol::)

I bet the air was blue :)

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Reminds me of one I read on t'internet. Guy gets a call from his mate "I'm going to change the oil in my gearbox, can I borrow your big Allen keys?" so he lends him the keys and gets a call an hour later "Man that was tight, took me half an hour with a piece of pipe on the Allen key. How do you get the plug out of the gearbox?".

Seems he had screwed the plug in until it was completely inside the (now scrap) gearbox.

Cheered me up all morning.

Captain Chaos

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