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Are all Revelation eyepieces GSO made? 32mm example

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A week or so I good I did some preliminary research for a decent 32mm eyepiece.  Looking at my results today I went for budget but decent.

I have ended up with a shortlist of: -

Revelation 32.0mm Plossl Eyepiece 1.25"
Celestron 93323 1-1/4-32 mm Omni Series Eyepiece
Baader Planetarium 32 mm Classic Ortho Eyepiece


My query today as I recheck my findings is the Revelation one.  That is coming up at almost half the price of the other two (at www.telescopehouse.com)

But this eyepiece made my shortlist due to positive comments about the GSO build.
So, finally, my question, does the purchase price suggest this 32mm isn't a GSO?

No rush here.  It's a wish list not a need list - as I remind myself... lol

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I believe the Revelation plossls are made by GSO. They are well priced and decent eyepieces. The couple of Celestron Omni plossl eyepieces that I've owned also seemed very much like the Revelation / GSO ones, apart from the anodised grey/silver body colour.

The Baader 32mm plossl is very different in look and feel. Not a GSO product I think. The field of view of the Baader is noticeably smaller than the other two plossls that you have listed.

I would add another to your list if you can get one within budget and that is the Vixen NPL 30mm. Not quite a 32mm but a nice low power eyepiece.



Edited by John
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