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Comet Hale-Bopp


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I was talking to my 23 year old daughter the other day as I was setting up my telescope outside. I ended up showing her the Stellarium app on my tablet, explaining how it works and that you can fast forward or rewind time to see what's in the night sky at any given time. She then said, 'nan and grandad told me that there was a bright light in the sky when I was born, a comet I think it was...'  Now, I have absolutely no recollection of this at all,  to my absolute shame as I wasn't into astronomy back then and I was quite young myself. Lo and behold, it was indeed Hale-Bopp, which of course I have heard of but had never thought back to check the date. I just knew it was sometime in the 90s and have often thought that it must have been an awesome sight - turns out the closest pass was the day before she was born!! This she found most amusing and then it lead to looking up other family member's birth dates to see what was going on - on my husband's birthday there was the moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Uranus all closely placed! With regards to my daughter, I am pretty sure that my parents gave me a newspaper from the day she was born (as you did back then) and I put it into her baby box. I must have a look in the loft one day to see if I still have it, and read all about the comet!! 😊

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One of the last things I photographed before walking away from astronomy for over 20 years... now the slides (ha) should be somewhere.... in a box in the garage that hasn't been opened for nearly 21 years....

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I remember Comet Hale-Bopp too ...and Comet Hyakuktake.

...and how disappointed I was; not being able not to see the impact scars left on Jupiter by Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, when I looked through my [then owned] Prinz Astral 500.

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