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Problem with Astromodified Canon EOS 550D


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A couple of nights ago, my camera started playing up. After successfully recording five exposures of 300 seconds, at the end of the next imaging period of 300 seconds, the captured image was not downloaded to the RPi4 with the Indi driver indicating that there was an 'unknown error', and the camera display showing the number of remaining exposures on the SD card continuing to flash. When eventually, after various steps of attempting to get it to carry on working, I went to turn off the power the screen showed an animated rotating image saying Recording...Remaining Images :1. Since then I have tried various cures including changing power supply from mains adapter to battery and back, updating the camera firmware to the latest version, and changing SD cards, even though the images are not normally saved to the SD card.

Has anyone encountered this before, and any good ideas for solving the issue?

One final 'cure' remains for me to test, to attempt to drain down the internal power source which maintains the date and time and camera optional settings. I have removed the main battery, but I haven't a clue how long I will need to leave it to drain down, or if this may be any help at all! By the way, the camera seems to function quite normally when used in standard camera modes (P, AV, T, Auto etc) with shortish exposure times up to half a minute.


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Just now, R26 oldtimer said:

Is the long exposure NR off?

As far as I know, there is no 'long exposure NR' on the EOS 550D (bought in 2009, before the feature came into common use perhaps).

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I had a similar issue on a Canon EOS some years ago.

From memory the cure was to take the battery out. Whilst keeping the shutter button pressed down turn it back on and keep the shutter button pressed down for about 3 seconds. Release the button. Turn it off. Put the battery back in and turn it on and hopefully it's cured !!

Have you got Magic Lantern installed - I have heard of that causing similar issues too.

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Had this with Indi DSLR/Gphoto (Canon) many times - I just removed the battery and then switch off camera AND then reboot RPI. It was caused by 2 settings in my Canon 100d - one was NVR(and any other noise reduction settings in my 100d) which Gphoto2 (which indi uses) does(didn't)  handle and Mirror Lock(Indi End)  if I remember correctly. Now it vary rarely happens 🙂

Dont know your camera but my 100d doesn't have an internal battery as I know of  that effects the problems you have experienced - but you live and learn 🙂

Plus recheck your Indi Camera details especially the Res,H & W and UM figures - I did have a corrupted datanase valie but I beleive now days there is a "clear" button for DSLR so you have to enter the DSLR details again.

Last option download Free Windows APT connect to camera and see if that clears your problem.

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1 hour ago, Skipper Billy said:

I had a similar issue on a Canon EOS some years ago.

From memory the cure was to take the battery out. Whilst keeping the shutter button pressed down turn it back on and keep the shutter button pressed down for about 3 seconds. Release the button. Turn it off. Put the battery back in and turn it on and hopefully it's cured !!

Have you got Magic Lantern installed - I have heard of that causing similar issues too.

Thanks, I had already tried a version of your ‘cure’ - however your description is better detailed - I’ll give it a try!

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39 minutes ago, stash_old said:

Had this with Indi DSLR/Gphoto (Canon) many times - I just removed the battery and then switch off camera AND then reboot RPI. It was caused by 2 settings in my Canon 100d - one was NVR(and any other noise reduction settings in my 100d) which Gphoto2 (which indi uses) does(didn't)  handle and Mirror Lock(Indi End)  if I remember correctly. Now it vary rarely happens 🙂

Dont know your camera but my 100d doesn't have an internal battery as I know of  that effects the problems you have experienced - but you live and learn 🙂

Plus recheck your Indi Camera details especially the Res,H & W and UM figures - I did have a corrupted datanase valie but I beleive now days there is a "clear" button for DSLR so you have to enter the DSLR details again.

Last option download Free Windows APT connect to camera and see if that clears your problem.

Many thanks for the ideas - I have made the various suggested changes in the custom settings, and am indoor testing at the moment, although it may not misbehave until under tonight’s clear sky! After that it will be digging deeper into the Indi side as necessary and then the Windows APT camera interface.

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Well the good news is that taken together, some or all of your suggestions have worked, and I am just about to end my session for tonight after 25x300 seconds captures of M101. ClearOutside predicts 27% cloud cover in the next hour.....
Many thanks for sorting out my issues!

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