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Essential reading for those who are thinking about getting into Astronomy !

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  • 1 month later...

Lots of good advice and information here, i have been looking at the stars for a while now with binoculars, looking into getting a telescope there are so many things to consider and choices this helps a lot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lots of great information for sure in this thread. I printed out the article from Sky and Telescope.

 I have a good book called "The Stargazers Guide" by Emily Winterburn. I am also reading  Stargazer The Life And Times Of The Telescope by Fred Watson. Th is is a library book but I am thinking of buying a copy for myself.

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Some good points. I haven't used the telescope much recently since moving to a light polluted area but I still stop and explore the sky by eye on a clear dark night. Must get some binoculars to keep in the car.

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I've recently come across this piece on the web written by Alan MacRobert from the well known and respected astronomy magazine Sky & Telescope. It is well worth a read if you are thinking of getting into the hobby - ideally before you leap in and buy a telescope :D :


As someone who has been in the hobby for many years now I found that many of the hints, tips and pointers in this article are right "on the button".


Hi John!.. when is this mag available? weekly or monthly? Cheers!


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Hi David aka Boulderbelly, you can access Sky & Telescope on the internet, registration is free its not the digital version of the monthly magazine, but there is a lot of free information you can access. You can also do the same Sky at Night. I'm registered with both. Hope this helps.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Very helpful for a newbie like myself :) Thanks for the find! Unfortunately I've already lept into buying a telescope (couldn't help myself) but I'm hoping to learn a lot by joining this forum, reading magazines and articles on the subject :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Thanks John, been using a pair of 10 x 50 binoculars for a few months, I was thinking of getting a telescope this Christmas but after reading the article I have a lot more homework to do before I splash out.

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hi this is my first time on any site ref this subject but I had a telescope bought to me for my birthday 3 years ago ( yes disgusting lol) and I have yet to use it properly I have always  wanted to do some Astronomy when younger  but never found time.

But each time in the past since receiving the scope I have had no luck with it, so its time I started to try  again, hopefully with your help? I live in Spain for most of the year so find it difficult to find anyone here to help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It is raining now but the worst of it is that it is completly overcast.

On astronomy reading matter I have to reccomend anything and evrything by Sir Patrick Moore. Not only extremely knowlegable but also a very good writer.

Currently delving through Patrick Moore and Pete Lawrence "The 21st Centurey Astronomer" ISBN 978 1 78177 125 9 sub titled "The Practical Guide To Observing And Photographing The Moon, Sun, Planets and Stars In The Digital Age" basically everything you never wanted to know here and it's bang up to date.

Sadly I only got to meet him the once.

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Hi all. I personnaly couldnt get my head round "Turn Left At Orion". I dont know why? It just didnt sink in!!! But the "Philips Stargazing" range of books is a fantastic source of info that has different books that cover different aspects of all things astro. I must say though ive become a little obsessed with them and set myself a mission to collect them all. And every year i get the one that covers the forth coming year. They are super easy to understand and learn from. Hope this helps.

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I've recently come across this piece on the web written by Alan MacRobert from the well known and respected astronomy magazine Sky & Telescope. It is well worth a read if you are thinking of getting into the hobby - ideally before you leap in and buy a telescope :D :


As someone who has been in the hobby for many years now I found that many of the hints, tips and pointers in this article are right "on the button".


Thank you for this!

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