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NGC4565 20hours

Adam J

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First attempt at galaxy imaging with the Esprit 100 / ASI1600MM Pro.

Also the first outing for my recently aquired AZEQ6 GT.

1200 x 30s Lum

100 x 90s RGB per channel.

Big Crop.


Full Image


Thanks for looking.


Edited by Adam J
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17 minutes ago, souls33k3r said:

Yikes! This is great mate. Mind if I ask a few questions about both why and how you decided to go for such short those exposures? 

I have quite alot of light polution so with the low read noise of the ASI1600mm pro you reach deminishing returns quite early, I could even go shorter and still burry the read noise, but 1000+ images already takes a long time to stack and a large SSD. With shorter exposures I find that I have more flexibility I discarded any exposure that did not give very good star shape and FWHM mainly due to seeing, so about 5 hours of data was chucked as it did not make the cut. The RGB is tripple the exposure length because with 1/3rd the light comming in it takes 3 times the exposure to burry the read noise as with lum. NINA has a optimum exposure calculator that can help. I have started to use a formula or total lum exposure = combined RGB exposure and that seems to work quite well.


Edited by Adam J
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Another cracking project following on from your outstanding Heart Nebula. Big target or small, you prove that integration time and putting the hours in under the stars is a sure way of getting to impressive detail and images plus a little skill with the mouse of course.

How are you finding NINA? Best bit and worst?

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1 hour ago, PadrePeace said:

Another cracking project following on from your outstanding Heart Nebula. Big target or small, you prove that integration time and putting the hours in under the stars is a sure way of getting to impressive detail and images plus a little skill with the mouse of course.

How are you finding NINA? Best bit and worst?

I like the level of automation but I think that some additional features such as pauses and options to refocus on specific filter changes could be added to the sequencer. I also like the autofocus stuff but that is new to me.


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  • 1 month later...

Adam, I think this is one of my favourite images that I’ve had the pleasure of seeing on here so far. It really emphasise the vastness of space. Love the simplicity of it and of course the detail, just fabulous! 👍🏻


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