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On ‎18‎/‎02‎/‎2020 at 00:32, Anthony1979 said:

Ive uninstalled that zadig and tried it... Still didnt work

OK you have camera only connectred via usb lead yes?

does your pc see the usb card in the camera? yes/no

in device manager what driver usb  does it list for the camera?

in device manager delete all reference  450D 

unplub camera

reboot pc then plug in camera

the problem is software related

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On 21/02/2020 at 19:18, Anthony1979 said:

Im gonna get a new laptop 


I think the clue to fixing this could be you only have 4Gb RAM. The way laptops and mini computers work with graphics intensive application is they 'steal' from system RAM. I struggled to keep my camera connected (and/or avoid crashes) until I upgraded to 8 Gb RAM. Given the low price of + 4Gb RAM, I would try that first (or another 8 Gb computer to test).

It might also be worth doing a full Windows reset. But save all your personal files to memory stick first.


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On 14/02/2020 at 16:01, Anthony1979 said:

Ive just downloaded eos utility and it keeps coming up with this


Swich off the camera and switch it back on. I have the same problem sometimes. 

There should another box with 4 options  .

Click on the third one down and when it comes  up there should be a button to set your model of camera mines a 600d 

When you have done that there is a button for live view there will be  another box showing what you are looking at probably black screen find your alignment star go to it center in the box on the live view and click on 200% and center up again and focus your scope. 

There is also  a clock symbol you can click on and set how many subs want to take and time deration. 

Regards Solarboy 

Edited by solarboy
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