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Observing location advice....

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Does anyone here go to places other than their backyard to observe?

how safe would it be to go to say the middle of a public park away from streetlights and observe from there every once in a while?  is there anyone here who does this? do you have any tips.
i live in NZ and are trying to think of new ideas/places to go to observe, i live in a city unfortunately so have to deal with an annoying street light outside my home which blocks a lot out!!! GRRR.
I dont belong to any astronomy clubs. i observe with a pair of big binos and a tripod along with  a bag o books full of info. and a tablet for the tekky stuff. i a.so have access to a car


any advice/ help/ tips would be much appreciated

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The only restrictions on where you observe is your own level of nervousness and I suspect NZ is probably a lot safer than the UK where plenty of people get out and about.

You have a good level of set up and go kit that’s quick and easy to get observing. Consider identifying an area with dark skies and speak to a local landowner or farmer for permission to use their land, can be ideal as often you could end up in a secure location, just promise you’ll keep it clean.

Astronomy clubs are ideal as they go out together and also look at star parties which will be advertised on the internet, they are great fun where you can observe and learn from others. 

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heres what I did when I started , I still live in a white zone so its the worst one and you are liminted on what you will see in the zone.

started with 6' reflector in backyard but very limited views since all houses around me inc mine are 2 stories high for the first several months.

-then opened up my attic on 3rd floor renoed it to use it then made an opening to the flat roof and build a 14x14ft deck that worked really well. the view was now 360 degreed since now iam above all houses. then upgraded to 10 inch scope.

-later I wanted darker skies so I booked one weekend a  month a camp site . Back then didn't drive so had to take ttc to go buss to a 2nd go buss then a taxi final way to the closest provincial park to camp. this took 3 hrs and I went alone since I didn't know anyone else that wanted to go camping. wasn't to cheap either since iam paying for site go busses taxi food camping gear and theres still no garrenty it would be clear. was also very heavy carrying everything for camping and a scope mount weights food etc. this is nly available from may to nov and it was only a orange zone but better then white.

-later when we drove theres a park 1.5 hr away where people in the astro community go again its only may to nov its open. it again is orange skies. doing it on weekdays cant be done since in summer it gets dark by 1030pm then to obseve for 2 hrs then to drive home 1.5 hrs then to sleep to wake up at 6am didn't work unless it was a fri or sat. so we did this only 2x a month.

-after few years we went up to coattge country every 2 weekends and 2 other 2 weekend stay home so its a balance in life. This was in a blue sky so very good skys.

this hobby can make u do many thing to get to dark skies but once u do u wont want to obseve in crappy skies anymore.

you can buy a half acre in a good dark zone u want and if u wait maybe u can find one for like $10k. it wont be water front or anything u just need a small spot that's your and clear with no lights.You may be able to put up a small shed like 8x8ft or 10x10ft (but gotta look at the building code).I rather do this this then stop by some  field next to no where.



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yep I never had an attic altho thers empty space up there but then had to support a new floor wals insulate drywall and tore half of the peak to make it a livable room then a door to go out to a deck etc.

remember didn't drive back then so couldn't get away so this had to be were I had to obseve from, and in backyard view wasn't good since all the houses are tall including mine


Edited by joe aguiar
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On 23/01/2020 at 09:15, Jiggy 67 said:

Consider identifying an area with dark skies and speak to a local landowner or farmer for permission to use their land

+1 for this. I am lucky enough to work for an organisation that has a location out of town, so was able to speak to the facility manager and agreed I can access overnight. They've even given me a key so I can pop inside and make a brew!

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I regularly observe from reasonably remote places. Most of the time I meet with other observers, but at times I'm on my own. Takes some courage the first times, but I really enjoy the darkness and distant sounds of nature. My car is always nearby in case I need it. It all depends on the neighbourhood. As said in this thread, some private land where you know the owner, a sports club or attending a star party may be your best bet.

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On 19/01/2020 at 16:10, Mattiman said:

Does anyone here go to places other than their backyard to observe?

Over in Canada here. I have permission to use some remote gravel pits which can be vg places to observe, private too. No going into deep pits but the road leading to it can be excellent.

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