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Windows 7 end of support Jan 2020

Cosmic Geoff

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If you use Windows 7, you will soon be receiving notices saying that support will end in Jan 2020 (if you have not had one already.)  That means no more security updates.

A large number of Windows users are still using Windows 7.

Microsoft want users to upgrade to Windows 10.  The reaction of many will be No Thank You, because they don't fancy paying for a new licence, or suffering the performance of Win 10 on an ageing machine. (I tried Win 10 on an older desktop, but after a while got fed up with its sluggish performance and reverted  to Win7. Much faster.)

Here's my tentative to-do list:

I recently acquired a new-ish desktop with Win 10 installed, for those tasks where an old machine won't cut it.

The 'everyday' low power desktop - for email, browsing and wordprocessing only, I'll look at switching to Linux.

Older spare machines - do nothing.

Imaging laptop (Dell Vostro 3400) - do nothing.

Any reactions?

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im having to dual boot ur work laptops. The utilities we use for flashing only work on up to inc w7 32bit.  so im reating a cut down w7 32 boot for flashing and a w10 64 bit for normal.   

note i find it easiest to clear the drive and create the w7 boot first, then afterwards when fully built put w10 on it.  



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I agree.  I don't want to use W10 for imaging, heard too many problems with other users.   Rarely put my imaging laptop on the internet.  

My W7 desktop which i have had for a few years had slowed down to the point it was almost unusable, SGL was the worst website to try to use with the "dying" desktop.  So I got a new Desktop which I use at Home for internet, eMail, on-line shopping and banking, and was going to get a W7 again as I love that operating system, but some-one advise me of the Jan 2020 end of support, so decided to get W10 and bite the bullet since I needed all the security for that particular PC.  

I have to say I have been quite pleased with it. 

However I would not want all those problems I hear about on my imaging lappy, my motto is - if it works, don't tamper with it.   


Edited by carastro
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I keep all my software updated. The problem with using older operating systems is eventually you end up with your software not being supported. I've only ever run into one problem with W10 and that was to do with how it handled Bluetooth. I've never understood the hate to be honest I've always found it to be a rock solid OS.

Edited by cuivenion
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I run W10 on my machines with no issue whatsoever.  The "only" issue I had is that my Altair Astro Prolific serial adapter stopped working in W10 since in W10 they have a much stricter driver policy.

Turn the Internet link from said laptop into a "chargeable use" connection and it will never auto apply updates.

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In many respects the underlying core operating system hasn't changed in years, just the way the hardware is handled (to take account of changes & developments) and the veneer over the top.

I'll quite happily use Win 10 \ Server 2019 over earlier versions, with the proviso that I disable all the 'helper' & call home apps \ junk e.g. dump Cortana \ Xbox crap etc. 

If you've not tried it, it may be worth running a Linux\Indi\Kstars system... Yes it is different (the way of working is more like Win 7) and unfortunately not all Apps run on the OS, but things are getting better....

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