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Binocular observing in Kent

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The forecast is for clear skies across the board tonight here in Kent so I plan on making the most of it! I will be visiting a quiet beach along the North Kent coast where I've seen spectacular dark skies in the past but this time I'll be armed with my binoculars. 🕵️‍♀️

Is there anything you would recommend looking out for at this time of year?




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34 minutes ago, Cary Jacobs said:

The forecast is for clear skies across the board tonight here in Kent

Let's hope so, the forecast was for clear skies all day but as soon as I set up for solar it's clouded over 😟


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4 hours ago, Cary Jacobs said:

Is there anything you would recommend looking out for at this time of year?

It's a very common question from beginners who probably don't know that many things can be observed with binoculars on any night. Too many to make a practical list in a post. We've been advising beginners to start with binocs instead of a telescope, but I'm starting to think a sky atlas should come first. Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas is ideal, not too big, not overwhelming with too many entries, costs only 20€, and complete enough to be used at the telescope for several years after the binocular initiation.


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