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you don't want to shift the secondary mirror in/out the tube so just slack the centre screw a tiny bit - like 1/4 turn or so, to allow you to tweak the tilt screws to get the primary fully into view. Better to tighten one and see how the image changes then you can back off one of the others to increase the tilt angle if needed. If the image went in the wrong direction, back that screw off a little and try another one. Work slowly and methodically and just small adjustments on one screw at a time.

You may well end up with the secondary slightly offset from where it started but right now you need the primary fully showing in the eyepiece so you know the secondary is reflecting all the light the primary is collecting

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3 minutes ago, Anthony1979 said:

I dont seem to get the clips while the cheshire in 

Yeah that can be an issue, a collimation cap might be better for this step if you have one. Is this the case regardless if the focuser is cranked all the way in/out?

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looks good, well done! 

now for a star test and see how well it improves the views. As you pass focus either side you should get an airy disc for each star, hopefully they're nice and circular and focus snaps in nice and sharp. Don't fret if still a little out tho, enjoy the scope and the views and revisit later on :)


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Well done!

I found the first time a struggle.

Thankfully it was a wet and miserable day and I had nothing else to do! :D

Once I understood what I was doing with the twisting and tilting it did seem to make more sense.

As wookie1965 says, it's now a 10 min job, so don't worry, it does get easier.

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It seems to me that your collimation is a lot better now than it was at the begining.

I find sometimes there is a little play with the Collimator in my focuser. It can look unaligned and a slight adjustment centres things up better. 

I missed what focal ratio your scope has but if it is longer (e.g. f6, f7.9), your telescope will be more forgiving if your collimation is a little off.

I would leave the collimation for now, go out and use it and enjoy the clear skies..

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Looks like you're still a smidge off. These circles should be concentric and line up. But you're getting closer!


If you loosen all three screws 1/4 turn then tighten one of them up all the way you should be just about perfect

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17 hours ago, Mr niall said:

Looks like you're still a smidge off. These circles should be concentric and line up. But you're getting closer!


If you loosen all three screws 1/4 turn then tighten one of them up all the way you should be just about perfect

What software is that please


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