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The Observing Area Build

Alan White

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Well a busy weekend replacing a failed water heater for one of my daughters now done 😁 and a little more on the Store etc. done this afternoon.


Lighting inside and outside red lights at 2w led for the pad when setting up and putting away.





Also some security bolts etc added. But not dwelling on that on a public forum.

Now off to a darkened room to lie down…


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a couple more images of the localised light polution 😉



Clearly the camera makes the brightness look more than it is, the outside lights are for setting up and taking down only.
The lights in the Store and the Khazi are switeched seperately, so only on as needed.
The Khazi one is dimmable, always has been and is the one used to read Star Charts etc.

That is it for now, probably the last 2023 Observing Area post from me.

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I like the lights.  Just enough to help you be able to read charts and not trip over something.  Thats the same reason we have red lights around our observation area.  Good job Alan. 

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Just got through reading the whole thread - many trials and tribulations but really great to see where you ended up! Lovely practical solution to tricky problem, and visually very appealing, Khazi included. 

One question though, does The Khazi come with slow-mos? 😂

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  • 9 months later...
Posted (edited)

Just as a warning to those who have read my trials and tribulations, 
The next mad episode is coming along in my head nicely.....

I have started making things and moving things as my poor old knees and back allows, but as a starter here is a box I put together earlier…


Edited by Alan White
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Posted (edited)

And the grey box is installed, wired back through the duct to the Nevada power unit.

Fused inside the ip66 box.


Can now provide easy no tripping power to mounts etc.


No pier or dome at this location, but negotiating making the shed as a slide away one, watch this space


Edited by Alan White
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OK latest Learning Point AKA Goof....
The use of Cigarette Adaptor Plugs was a terrible mistake, I lost power to the DSC unit a number of times in first nights use.

So what 12v plugs etc to use?
I do like the look of the Deep Sky Dad unit? Sold by FLO, but is this up to running a mount and dew heaters on a winters night?
Somehow I think so, but will the plugs not be as susceptible as the cigarette plugs?

Deep Sky Dad DC Hub 2 v2

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Posted (edited)

Well, any plug is good up to a point , however , unless I must use Cigarette Adaptor Plugs due to Cigarette Plug being the only one available like in my car , I tend to go with bipolar plugs like XT60E (Mountable Female Plug) / XT60H (Bullet Plug) Something like this: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B074PN6N4K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1

There are also higher amps rated models, but I have yet to burn one. Also , there are models with caps so water doesn't get in like the RIIEYOCA XT60 Adapter

EDIT: Also , looking at the way the power plugs are mounted , may I suggest you look a bit at high IP (55/65/67) power supply enclosures and notice that all the wire penetrations tend to be on the side not on the top/bottom as to ensure water has to work against gravity as much as possible. 

Mountable XT60E Female Plug.jpg

XT60H Bullet Plug.jpg

RIIEYOCA XT60 Adapter.jpg

Edited by Bivanus
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5 hours ago, Alan White said:

So what 12v plugs etc to use?
I do like the look of the Deep Sky Dad unit? Sold by FLO, but is this up to running a mount and dew heaters on a winters night?
Somehow I think so, but will the plugs not be as susceptible as the cigarette plugs?

I use the Pegasus Pocket Powerbox Advance on my rig and it just works. I have it powering the mount, ASI1600MM Pro + filterwheel, ASI220mm guide camera and two dew heaters, all from a 12v 10a PSU.  It means I only have the power lead and a USB3 cable running to the pier and everything else is on the mount.

It you don't want to go that far and don't need the USB hub, then there's also the Pegasus Pocket Powerbox Micro, which has 4x 12v power sockets and 2x RCA sockets for dew heaters. ;)

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21 hours ago, Bivanus said:

: Also , looking at the way the power plugs are mounted ...........all the wire penetrations tend to be on ......bottom as to ensure water has to work against gravity as much as possible.

Good call that from Bivanus.

You could look at mounting your existing enclosure inside a weatherproof enclosure. On my pier, I have used a weatherproof flip top enclosure with the cables bottom entry. I have cut off the cigarette lighter plugs, finished the wiring with bootlace ferrules and then used a couple of wago connectors on the end of the power supply cable. Makes for a very quick and reliable connection. Only challenge is brown and blue look very similar under red light so tag the cable in some way 🤣



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Posted (edited)

The box in the image sits over the duct from the Cupboard aka Khazi.
The Grey box is IP66 rated.
Fully agree on the top mounted sockets, but kept covered with a bag and not fed when the area is unused.

Plan is to swing a similar box up onto a pier or if no pier a pole and all entry will be underside taking into account water.

My cunning Plan of the minute is to make the Shed mobile on wheels at this location,
it will be lashed down to stop the wind moving it of course.
Some of the obstacles to this is moving the shed, it needing the Khazi removed and I will need another pier.
The pier has already received comment from Mrs W as this would be No 3 in not many years!
But my back has reared its ugly head in the past 6 months and likely to allow a free pass on a pier.

The power is mount dependent and also for dew heaters and similar only.

Just to be clear, this is not an Imagers set up, its visual only for me with my problematic back and shot knees.

Thank you for all the input so far, it is very much appreciated.

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A sad day has dawned ☹️
Well a sad early evening anyway. 

The Khazi has had its last complete night and removal of content and disassembly has begun…. More to follow in small slices as my back allows 


I did a decent job of lining etc as no signs of any leaks or rot found so far, but I am done for the day, the back notably protests ☹️

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19 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

Can’t believe the khazi will be no more 😮

Neither can I to be honest, 
but the replacement facility is larger.

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Posted (edited)

The job of Khazi removal is nearly complete, a lot of remedial work to do though.
The whole structure was built with a mind to removal and that paid dividends.

Started from here.



The areas where constructed held up fairly well, but the roof had just gone in one corner so a good catch in removing now.
The other bit was where I left the cladding too close to the deck on the left and it was rotting low down from water ingress.

And slowly it came apart.



A big pile of wood and a barrow of hardcore is all I now have to show.







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24 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

I hope you’ve got some green fence paint left Alan 🤞🏻

Oh we do indeed, it was a condition set before removal commenced.

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I don't want to start any rumours, but I am not entirely convinced by the strangely distorted perspective in the posted images of this listed building. So I am beginning to think this [supposed] demolition is entirely the result of AI fabricated images. [GPT4 et al] Perhaps AW is hoping for a boost to his lamentable, TikTok 'Only Fans' Khazi presence? Does anybody have a link to reliable aerial photographs? Google Earth hasn't updated this area since October of 1887. When the medieval leather tannery was still active on this site. I have, of course, contacted the Heritage at Risk Register, as a matter of course.

khazi removal transform anti ai.jpg

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Posted (edited)

Slight move on today, less inclined to do much as my back protests. We had family to visit too.

Sneaked 2 hours in before the warmth of the sun departed.

Fixed the Socket, Shed Supply RCD and Light switch in place.

Socket and one light working, but had to stop, need to run wire to light 2 as I cut it off by mistake in Khazi removal and need to terminate the shed SWA.

Oh and capped off the Khazi duct open end and made a route for the 12v cabling.


Plan is waterproof box under the sockets to house 12v power packs and power from socket above, socket is RCD garden type.

And last night, I ordered a new PSU and some xt60 plugs and sockets too.

Edited by Alan White
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